Soooo......Day after day, consistently reading the bible every morning, consistently praying, I feel God more and more! Meditating on his word after reading, praising Him and magnifying his name, and thanking Him for bringing me this far! This mornings over all theme was 'It's OK to begin again!'. That is what I did as of September 10th, the first day of the rest of my life! I am in a intermediate season right now, right in-between the old sinner that I was, and the miracle God is about to perform in my life! Do you know what is different this time, OBEDIENCE AND TOTAL SURRENDER! Being obedient is the best thing you be in your relationship with God, that's how he will keep his promises to you! In the past, I have called myself 'giving my life to God', but not completely! Every time, and only after a couple of days, I would continue with my same mess, indulging in the same sins, but still begging and pleading for Him to get me out of the mess I was in, the mess that I GOT MYSELF INTO, and expecting God to just save the day without any effort on MY part. I'm a mother, so think of it like a child/parent relationship! If I told my son to do something, and he declined, there would be consequences. Since he wasn't OBEDIENT, then I wouldn't buy the game he desired, or the toy he had been asking for! It's the same way with God, why would we expect him to perform miracles if we can't be obedient to His word! That is a VERY one sided and unhealthy relationship! I am happy to say that in this season, this season of my NEW BEGINNING number I don't know what, I have the desire to be obedient! It took a lot of DOING IT MY WAY to get to this point! All I have to do is remain obedient, faithful, hopeful, consistent and grateful in my "middle" season, and that is all God is asking of us today! I am grateful for everything that I have been through, it has brought me to this point, a season where I have to TOTALLY rely on God......OR SUFFER! I am over joyed with being lead to do this blog, so hopefully no one else will have to go through self inflicted hell fire to get with the program, THE JESUS PROGRAM! God is doing a new thing with me, because of my obedience, and I hope you choose obedience today! That is what our Father requires of us, and I humbly accept! I love you, even though I don't know you! Most importantly GOD LOVES YOU MORE THAN YOU CAN EVER KNOW!
Now if you obey Me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although, the whole earth is mine!. Exodus 19:5
Love the Lord your God and keep his requirements, his decrees, his laws and his commandments always. Deuteronomy 11:1
If you love Me, keep my commandments. John14:15
This is the link to the Top Christian Womens Blog site, they have something for everyone, from the lost sinner, to the mature christian. Be Blessed!
to be continued.........
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