Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Why the WAIT???

Good morning brothers and sisters in Christ! This morning, during my devotional time, I thought about what God has done for me and my children, and how I was grateful. I thought about the FIRST time I gave my life to Him, and said to myself "If I would have just WAITED, and put all my trust in Him then, I wouldn't of been in the situation I was in this time last year!" The truth about myself is, I was EXTREMELY IMPATIENT! (I can still be a little impatient with people today.) The fact of the matter is, EVERY TIME I reached out to God, it was because I was in DISTRESS! I was a sinner who did what I wanted, when I wanted, said what I wanted, without any kind of convictions. Until I would find myself in this SELF INDUCED misery, to the point where I had to CRY OUT to God for help! In 2017 (the first time I gave my life to God) I was TIRED! I was running on an empty tank, I was drowning in sin and couldn't find my way to the surface for air! When I let God in, it was the greatest feeling I had ever experienced! I hadn't felt that kind of freedom, peace and joy ever before in my life. I was full of happiness, but then life hit! You see, just because God redeems, justifies, and delivers you doesn't guarantee that life after that will become a cake walk. You will still have to deal with life, and life sure hit for me a few months after. I was drowning in debt, and about to get evicted! I would pray, but wasn't seeking Gods face! I would cry out, but didn't put my TRUST in God! My impatience was at an all time high! Instead in WAITING for God to work it out, I wanted to take matters into my own hands. Instead of being still and listening for a word from God, I was angry and hurt, feeling like my decision to be saved was a waste of time! I fell back into the person I was, tried to fix the situation myself, and RUINED EVERY THING!! There is NEVER an INSTANT solution when it comes to God, NEVER!! What God wants us to do is TOTALLY SURRENDER! To do that we must give whatever it is to God, and allow Him to work it out, this happens over time! We would be like spoiled children if God just instantly gave us everything we ask for. First of all, everything we think we want and need is probably what we are not supposed to have. In order to live your BEST LIFE, we have to seek out what the will of God is for our lives! Now don't worry, because God said, "I know the plan I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future!" (Jeremiah 29:11) If you believe in what the word of God says, you will have the strength to wait on the Lord, even when it seems like you can't hang on another second! The safest place in the whole world is in the will of God, this is a song lyric that I hold VERY CLOSE to my heart. If we allow God to lead and guide us through our trials and tribulations, we will clearly see the favor of God on our lives. God will be able to reveal His true love that He has for you! God is faithful, and He is not a man that He should lie! When we don't wait, replace our peace with anxiety, and force our will on the situation, all hell breaks loose! That is something that I had to learn over and over and over again. I made a decision this time, I was tired of going through the same things ever couple of years, losing everything and having to rebuild. This time I am rebuilding with Jesus, I am allowing Him to open the doors that needs to be open, and being thankful for the doors He has closed! God will change us from the inside out, reveal our purpose and calling, give us hope and a great future, restore us, if we seek His face and His will for our lives, but the key is THE PATIENCE TO WAIT!! God bless you and I love you!! GOD LOVES YOU MORE THAN YOU CAN EVER IMAGINE!!

Songs of the day: "The Will of God" by Karen Clark Sheard

"Let Us Not Be Weary" by John P. Kee

"Oh My Brother, Be Encouraged" by Hezekiah Walker

Psalms 27:14

"Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and He will strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord."

Isaiah 40:31

"But they that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint."

Psalms 37:9

"For evildoers shall be cut off; but those that wait upon the Lord, they shall inherit the earth."

Psalms 65:5

"My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from Him."

Job 14:14

"If a man die, shall he live again? All the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come."

Sunday, August 9, 2020

What's The Motive?

 Happy Sunday brothers and sisters in Christ! I hope and pray that your week was blessed, and that you are healthy! Today I read 1 Corinthians chapter 13, and it is now one of my favorite chapters in the bible! "The Ministry Gifts Must Be Governed By Love" was the heading to this chapter, meaning, the motive behind what you do and say for the Lord (behind every good thing you do or say period) should be lead with love. The MOTIVE behind it should be love, the reason should be love, the mindset and heart posture should be love! The definition of MOTIVE is "a reason for doing something, especially one that is hidden or not obvious." Have you ever had someone do something for you, give you something, say something to you, and instead of feeling better, or uplifted, you feel judged, hurt more, having regretted accepting whatever it is that was given! That's because the motive, or reason it was done, wasn't done out of love, it came from an unhealthy place within that person. In 1 Corinthians 13:3 is says "And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not LOVE, it profiteth me nothing." If we give to the needy, sacrifice ourselves, and go above and beyond for someone else, but not out of love, THAN IT MEANS NOTHING! That would be felt by the person receiving what your giving! Some so called 'charitable people' do things to exalt themselves, to be able to say they did it, or they helped you, or because of them you have this or that. That is not the way God wants to be. If you are in a position to help someone, to encourage or give advise, do it from a place of love. Our heart posture in those situations should be love, then the person receiving can walk away having felt the love of Christ though you! You never know what a person is going though at that moment. Whatever gift God has given you, do it motivated by love! Love should be the basis, the motivation, the reason why we do anything! Not to be seen, not to seem better than, not to boast, not to flaunt what we have, not to receive accolades, because in the end, when it comes to our soul, IT MEANS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! God does not and will not honor what you have done. Everything that we have is because of the grace and mercy and blessings and favor from God. It is God who deserves all the glory and honor and praise. When you give of your resources, time, advise to someone with that feeling of love inside, you will honor God, without even mentioning His name. The person you are helping will feel there is something different about you, something extra special about you! If you have been on the receiving end of the negative form of giving or help, than it is up to you, when the time comes, to do it differently. Don't let some other poor soul feel what you once felt! When we give cheerfully, God will reciprocate TEN FOLD! When you give without the expectation of getting anything in return, God will honor us, and we will be honored by those here on earth, giving us the opportunity to give Him the honor and praise that is due. Lead with love, no matter what the situation, not just in giving. If you lead with love during an argument, you won't say anything that would damage the relationship or the other person. I will prevent cheap shots, and low blows! It will help you not to say something that you would later regret. Love is not self exalting, it's not easily provoked to anger. Love does not rejoice in someones downfall, or gossip. Love rejoices in the uplifting, encouraging, and genuinely helping of others. Leading with love shows the maturity, and selflessness of a person, it exposes the love of God in ones life! Be that example for someone else, honor God and all the things He has done in our lives and for us, by having a heart posture of love! Recognizing and acknowledging the love that God has for you, for the love that He has shown you, will help you show that same love to others. The last verse in 1 Corinthians chapter 13 says "And now abideth faith, hope, love, these three; but the GREATEST of these is LOVE." God bless you and I pray that you day and the rest of the week be blessed! I love you......and GOD LOVES YOU MORE THAN YOU CAN EVER IMAGINE!

Song of the day: "Love" by Gods Property, 

1 Corinthians 13:1-7

1."Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angles, and have not love, I am become as a sounding brass, or tinkling cymbal. 

2. And though I have the gift of prophesy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not love, I am nothing. 

3. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not love, it profiteth me nothing. 

4. Love suffereth long, and is kind; love envieth not; love vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up. 

5. Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoketh, thinketh not evil. 

6. Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth. 

7. Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. 

1 Corinthians 13:13

"An now abideth faith, hope, love; these three, but the greatest of these is love."

Monday, August 3, 2020

The Word!!

Good day, brothers and sisters in Christ! I pray that you are healthy and blessed! I found myself REALLY distracted this morning, after having a bad dream last night. Not a scary one like a horror movie, but the enemy tried to make me uneasy about what is going to happen in my life, and children's lives. Now, I know that whatever God has in store for us is going to be GREAT! All of my hopes and dreams are wrapped up in God. I have faith that Gods plan is to better our lives, and bless us, and not to hurt us. I don't worry about the unknown because of the promises of God. I am living in willful ignorance of what is to come, and I have no anxiety about what that contains. BUT, every other day, the devil tries his hardest to insert doubt!! The enemy will try to throw me off, and you know what, the slightest little negative thought can get you to start questioning your faith. The devil has been trying to get me worried, and insecure! ALL spiritual warfare starts in the mind! That is the first place the devil will strike, because everything begins with a thought! Nothing in the body happens, without the mind being in control. That is why it is VERY IMPORTANT to allow the word of God to RENEW OUR MINDS! If we thought the same way we used to before our salvation, we would continue to react and handle situations in a very unhealthy and destructive way. My memory verse for today was 2 Timothy 3:16 (NIV), "All scriptures are God breathed and is useful for TEACHING, REBUKING, CORRECTING, and TRAINING in righteousness." Teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training! TEACHING, to help us learn the ways of God, His promises, His will for our lives, how we should be as a Christian, to retrain our way of thinking, to soften our hearts. REBUKING, turning away from who we used to be, DEFLECTING THE  MANY LIES OF THE ENEMY! CORRECTING, God exposing our dark parts in order to change us, the Holy Spirit convicting us when we are about to do or say something that we know is not like God, the remedy to our old ways, the instruction manual for daily Christian living. TRAINING, having received our purpose and knowing what it is that God has called us to do, He has to mature us and prepare us for the calling! He will prepare us to walk boldly and with confidence, and will equip us with what we need to endure! How would I survive the RELENTLESS attacks of the devil without all of this information! I WOULDN'T!! I would of been back to my old ways months ago!! But God has been faithful at His word! He has never left me, whenever I feel uncertain and insecure, God is right there encouraging and reassuring me! Whenever I begin to complain (and I really have NOTHING to complain about!!!!), I am reminded of the favor God has given us! I am reminded that in just a short amount of time that He has blessed me and my children beyond what I can ever imagine! We went from being homeless with nothing, me being falsely accused and DCF thrown on me, to having a very nice apartment, and my case being closed with DCF two months after the false claim!! The closure of my case, and a beautiful place of our own, and this happened between the months of November 2019 to April 2020, in FIVE MONTHS God turned our lives around! Everything that was done to HURT me, God turned it around for our GOOD! Genesis 50:20-21 (NIV), "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. So then, don't be afraid. I will provide for you and your children." Isn't that AMAZING! This verse speaks DIRECTLY to what has happened in my life! This is how God lets me know that everything will be okay, that we will continue on blessed, and healthy, and taken care of, NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS!!! Those are the experiences you can have by reading the word of God, EVERYDAY! Consult God, by prayer, and receive the answers in the word!!! I cannot stress how important it is to read your bible everyday!!!....and pray without ceasing!

Songs of the day: "Jesus Is My Help" by Hezekiah Walker
"Thank You" Kirk Franklin & Mary Mary
"He Turned It" by Tye Tribbett
"Press" by Maranda Curtis

Romans 12:2
"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--His good, pleasing and perfect will."

Psalms 46:1
"God is our refuge and strength, and ever present help in trouble."

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Hearers or Doers!

Happy Sabbath brothers and sisters in Christ! I pray that you woke up this morning healthy and blessed! I am going to keep it kind of short today, if the Holy Spirit allows. Today, I started a devotional on the Bible app called "Be Doers of the Word," and it reminded me of the FIRST time I gave my life to God. I remembered how I would go to every church service, bible study, prayer, revivals, women's group, etc. I remember reading the word of God, just to be the one who knew all the answers in Sunday School, to seem like a smarty pants. One day my pastor gave me a word, she prophesized that I would be an evangelist, that I would preach the word of God. After that my EGO and self elevation GREW! I thought I was all that, a PREACHER, a person full of Godly wisdom! I looked down at and judged others, exalted myself beyond what I was at that time, AN IMMATURE LITTLE KID IN CHRIST! You see, I was a HEARER and not a DOER of the word! I would read, not to grow spiritually, but so that I could regurgitate and recite whenever it made me look like I knew what I was talking about. I used the word of God to make me APPEAR like I had it all together! Like I had arrived at some sort of place in Christianity that other new believers hadn't! Once I received that word, I wanted QUICK, FAST manifestation of that life! I hadn't allowed the word to renew my mind, change my heart, or mature  me in any way! I gave the appearance of a saved person, but inside I wasn't changed at all! I was a HEARER and not a DOER! It says in the bible that if you are a hearer and not a doer of Gods word, you are only deceiving yourself! That couldn't be more true! My pastor and those who I was close with wasn't deceived, the Holy Spirit gave them discernment, they knew I wasn't right on the inside! They knew that I was still deeply flawed, and unchanged! I tried to use the word of God as a source of elevation, instead a manual of change, healing, restoration, and DELIVERANCE! I wasn't delivered AT ALL! By not being a DOER of the word, I allowed myself to fall back to the person I used to be, I started indulging in sins I thought were behind me! I had received the word my pastor gave me, but not mature enough to go through the process, to go through the breaking, and the molding that goes along with that calling! When things got REALLY TOUGH in my life (I was served with a 24 hour eviction from my apartment), instead of facing the trial that was before me, I broke under pressure and fell all the way back! I was angry at God for allowing that to happen one week before Christmas, I took NO responsibility for what happened! I was back to square one, abusing weed, cocaine, and anything I could get my hands on, depressed, embarrassed, and cold! It is very important that we be DOERS of the word of God. Gods word is alive and active, if we allow it to do its job, it will transform our very lives, change the way we think and behave, restore what was lost during our time in sin! It will renew our minds, change the way we respond to situations, and give us the strength to endure! Don't just read the bible verse of the day, but sit and meditate on it! I don't mean sit and cross your legs, and hum, I mean think about what that verse is saying to you. Think about how you can put it into action. Being a doer of the word is being OBEDIENT! Obedience is better than sacrifice! I know we have all heard that before! So start doing what is said in the word, I PROMISE you will see a big change in your life! You will witness God move like never before! Allow the word to change and transform you! Don't just go to church to say that you went, listen to what is being said, HEAR the word, but also APPLY it to your life! Think about it, the devil is the ONLY one here to steal, kill, and destroy! If you follow the word of God, only the best will happen to you and for you! God bless you, and I love you very much!! GOD LOVES YOU MORE THAN YOU CAN EVER IMAGINE!!!

Song(s) suggestion for today: "Deliver Me" by Donald Lawrence ft. LeAndria Johnson. "Friend in You" by Jon Gibson. "Greater" by Tasha Cobb Leonard

James 1:22-24 NLT (New Living Translation)
"But don't just listen to God's word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. For if you listen to the word and don't obey, it is like glancing at your face in the mirror. You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like."

John 10:10 KJV
"The thief (devil) cometh not, but for to steal, kill, and to destroy: I (God) am come that they might have life, and they might have it more abundantly."

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Responding to Enemies

Greetings brother and sisters in Christ! I pray that your day is and has been blessed! I'm just going to jump right in as usual. First some background. Before I gave my life to Christ, I was a type of person who didn't respond to things like disrespect, betrayal, and just being wronged an ANY way very well. I'm not talking about grieving about it, or any kind of normal way. I'm talking about violence, anger, and a strong urge for revenge! It didn't matter how long it took for me to get you, I was cold and calculating, very mean and evil at times. Point being, the situation was never resolved in my eyes, until I GOT YOU! Until you felt what was dished out to me and more! My endgame was to break you! When I was a lot younger, beating a person down was the first reaction, as I got older, it was my words. I have always had a way with words, but I used them for nefarious reasons. My thing was to tear you down mentally and emotionally if you were on my revenge list! Totally unhealthy, counter-productive, and evil! This morning, as I continued on my journey through the book of Corinthians (I was on 1 Corinthians chapter 6), God brought something to my attention! In the explanation of verses 7-8 at the bottom of the page (I have a study bible), Paul is saying, for the good of the gospel we should be willing to be wronged. No offense is severe enough to sacrifice one's Christian witness to non-believers! I took that very personal to say the least! As I have said in other posts, when you give your life to Christ, you have to allow Him to change you from the inside out! Piece by unhealthy piece God will expose a piece of you that is not like Him, give you the tools and the answers to change it, but it is ultimately up to us to put them into action! Now if you have read this blog from the beginning, and I don't suspect you have, I was going through a major shift in my life. A life changing trial, I was betrayed by family. Talked about behind my back, people saying one thing in my face, but spewing the opposite to others. Laughed at because I said I was saved and set free! What they didn't understand was my RESPONSE! I didn't respond like the old me would have! I showed love instead of anger, to there faces......they weren't met with a cuss out, or my evil intentions. Instead I prayed for them, spoke life and health for them, and begged God to help me forgive, forgive, FORGIVE! Even if they didn't believe my change, I didn't give them a reason to doubt the changing power of God! Now, I'm not going to say that behind closed doors I off and on had a hard time with forgetting, and there were times when I would slip into anger and resentment, but the word of God is powerful, and that is what helps me get through those moments! The point of all this is, people are watching, most will antagonize you on purpose to see how you will react! Some will even base how being a Christian is solely by how you act in your day to day life, picking and prodding at little things, as an excuse to not give their life to God! (I used to be that kind of person) Do not give them an excuse! I'm not saying be fake, be who you are, if you have allowed the word of God to renew your mind, and change your heart, you will be who God says you are! We are human, and not immune to mistakes. Paul wasn't saying to just lay down and be run over by a situation or a person who is doing you wrong. It's the response that should change, God will give you the wisdom and strength to handle whatever is going on. Forgive, separate from toxic people and surroundings that you know will continue to be the way they are! We are to be examples of the gospel, not add to the agenda to discredit what God can do, and has done! "No offense is severe enough to sacrifice one's Christian witness to non believers," the explanation worded it this way because there is no comparison to what Jesus went through on Calvary for our lives, and the gospel! There is not ONE THING Jesus went through that I would of! PERIOD!! So when I think about what has been done to me, and said about me, it is a drop in the bucket! Let your light shine to be a witness and a testament of what God has done, and can do for our lives! The old you might want to rise up, but great is the reward for the person who can love and forgive,  deny themselves, take up their cross and follow Jesus!! I love you very much!! I pray that God blesses you and continues to keep and protect you always! GOD LOVES YOU MORE THAN YOU CAN EVER IMAGINE!!!

Song(s) for the day: "God Favored Me" by Hezekiah Walker
and "Let Us Not Be Weary" by John P. Kee

Galations 6:9 NIV
"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." 

Matthew 5:44 NIV (part of the Sermon on the mount)
"But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you!" 

Luke 6:35-36
"But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting anything back. Then your reward will be GREAT, and you will be children of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful."