Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Soooo........ This weekend was a trying one, remember I said if I am going to be successful this time, I would have to get back into reading my bible. Well, yesterday morning I dove face first. I had that thirst, a thirst that I haven't felt in 2 years! It's funny how everything major that has happened to me whether it be good or bad, has this 2 year theme. I don't pay much attention to numbers, and I definitely am not into numerology, I am just simply recognizing the pattern! The Lord spoke to me with through everything that I read! My intention was to just start of small, because I tend to loose focus and my mind wanders, but before I knew it almost 2 hours had past, it was amazing! I FELT AMAZING, I felt REAL joy, I felt love, I felt all the feels! lol! I had a renewed strength that I hadn't felt in a long time. I was lighter than air. I read the bible app, and they have different study plans on there. I started "Gods not done with you yet", and "Divine Direction". With all that I read I got this, God was telling me that he is doing a great work in me, I might not understand now but I will understand later. I learned to take inventory of my strengths, and how they can be my WEAKNESS! I have never heard of that before, MY STRENGTHS BEING MY WEAKNESS! That was for me yesterday. I am a person who used to boast about having little to no weakness, or so I thought. My strengths have been my weakness all this time! God is so amazing! My strengths have gone ungoverned, meaning I have not been using them for the glory of God and have gone unguided by Him, so it has been a breeding ground for the enemy to use against me! An unguarded strength is a DOUBLE WEAKNESS! WHEW! So take inventory of your strengths, make sure that your using them the way God wants you too, make sure you guard them, by reading the word of God and praying everyday! I can't tell you enough how CRUCIAL those two things are to your spirit. I have so much more, so until later, I don't know you but I love you too life! Most importantly GOD LOVES YOU MORE THAN YOU KNOW!!! 

This is the link to the Top Christian Womens Blog site, they have something for everyone, from the lost sinner, to the mature christian. Be  Blessed! https://blog.feedspot.com/christian_women_blogs/

to be continued.....

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