Friday, September 20, 2019

SURVIVING THE ATTACK God be the glory for all the things he has done! I thank God for the strength to fight temptation, the devil has really been trying to work on my mind. He knows that if he can just SQUEEEEZE in one cuss word, one explicit sex scene (yes I am fighting thoughts of sex, I had a very active masturbation life), if he can get me to act on just one thing, it would have been a spiral back to destruction!  NOT TODAY SATAN! That is a popular phrase I see thrown around social media, but I yell that with AUTHORITY!! I read and studied the word of God this morning, but haven't been able to blog until now, 2:41 pm! The enemy has been trying his hardest though, lol! I am steadfast, with the power that God has given me! If I would of given in and watched porn, or cussed while playing NBA 2K19, who knows, I would have probably picked up a beer! That's how it happens, if I take my eyes off the prize, off of God for even a second, I will descend right back into darkness! I don't want that for my life anymore, I don't want to disappoint God, and I don't want to disappoint myself! I learned this morning that I am to be of service. I know God built me for some type of ministry, and if I revert back to sin, what about the lives that I am supposed to touch. I only what to be obedient to God, I have surrendered my WHOLE life to him and I am NEVER taking it back! God is preparing me for something, and I want to be ready when it comes. I will continue to educate myself, by reading the bible EVERYDAY! I know I seem like a broken record, but if I hadn't read this morning, I WOULD HAVE SURELY GIVEN IN TO TEMPTATION THIS AFTERNOON!! That is also how I will grow and sharpen my gifts, to be used for the glory of God! God has given me gifts, but it is up to me to master them by do diligence! I will not, I shall not stumble as long as I keep my eyes stayed on Him! I know that remaining humble and obedient he answer all my prayers! I trust him with my WHOLE HEART! 
I don't know you but I love you!! Most importantly GOD LOVES YOU MORE THAN YOU CAN EVER IMAGINE! TRY HIM AND SEE!!

This is the link to the Top Christian Womens Blog site, they have something for everyone, from the lost sinner, to the mature christian. Be  Blessed!

to be continued..........

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