Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Sooo........There was another very important lesson God taught me yesterday during my devotional readings, it struck me right through the heart! It said at the end of my reading, "Christianity  is lived on an incline, and if your not moving forward, you're slipping backwards!". That hit me like a tone of bricks, That is the exactly how I've been living for so many years! I have been slipping backwards, not knowing why I keep having the same thoughts, desires. Not knowing why I keep makings the SAME MISTAKES over and over and over again. Everyday that I don't read my bible, and pray, I create space between me and God. There is a disconnect spiritually, that is how I have slowly crept back into sin. The way back to sin is a slow decline, it doesn't come suddenly or all at once. One day you start swearing again, then you may have lustful thoughts. Then you might just have a mimosa at breakfast, and then one glass of wine for dinner. Then you might go to a ball game and have one beer. Then you might have an edible, convincing yourself well at least I'm not SMOKING the weed! These things slowly disconnects you from God, until you find yourself COMPLETELY BOUND all over again. This corruption of the soul is how the devil preys on you, then you begin to use these substances to block out the feelings of shame and guilt, because you know it's wrong. Your spirit is telling you, the Holy Spirit is convicting you and it hurts inside! The longer you go unrepentant, the harder it is to get on your knees and make it right with God. The longer you wait leaves room for something catastrophic to happen in your life, something that will leave you know choice but to fall to you knees and beg God for help! The inevitable ROCK BOTTOM! Sometimes I wish I didn't have to wait for all of the ROCK BOTTOMS I've had, but then I think of all the souls that won't have to by sharing my testimony. Everything I've been through is for the testimony at the end!! It is to share with the hopeless sinner, the sinner like me, to help them through, to help them find peace and solace in Christ! We are no match for the devil on our own, but we have POWER through Christ Jesus that we can access. We just have to tap in......SURRENDER! We have to make in intentional decision to seek God everyday, in everything that we do, in order to make it!
As always, I don't know you but I love you too LIFE! Most importantly GOD LOVES YOU MORE THAN YOU KNOW!!
God bless!!

This is the link to the Top Christian Womens Blog site, they have something for everyone, from the lost sinner, to the mature christian. Be Blessed! https://blog.feedspot.com/christian_women_blogs/

to be continued..........

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