Thursday, October 31, 2019


Soo....yesterday, while watching a video by Christine Caine, I heard her say that the book of Psalms is a great book to read when your going through a tough time, it is a good book to read when you are under attack. SHE IS RIGHT! On Tuesday, before I got that gut wrenching call, Kellie Agueze was teaching out of the book of Psalms (Psalms 119 to be exact!). They were both ON POINT! I started to read the book of Psalms from the beginning this morning during my morning meditation, and got up to chapter 20! All throughout described VICTORY in the midst of a storm, VICTORY over sickness and pain......but CHAPTER 119 is what I read Tuesday after that call, and it is FULL encouraging verses! God assures us that we have the VICTORY, no matter what or who comes against you! God is our fortress and our refuge! He will make us stronger than we can ever thought we could be!! There are a few verses in Psalms 18 that describe how the Lord equips us for battle! Not a PHYSICAL battle, but spiritual. David describes with physical terms what God has equipped our spirits with! Verses 34-36 say "He teacheth my hands to war, so that the bow of steel is broken by my arms. Thou has given me a shield of Thy salvation; and Thy right hand hath holden me up, and thy gentleness hath made me great!" So you see, God will make your spirit is not broken, He will reinforce you, give you strength, HOLD YOU UP, and set your feet on the right path! God meant it when He said, "NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST YOU WILL PROSPER!"...but you will be tried! No, God doesn't want us to suffer, or be hurt, but the bible says "Consider it all joy my brethren, WHEN you go through a trial knowing the testing of your faith produces endurance!" James 1:2-3, "But He knows the way to take; WHEN he has tried ME, I shall come forth as pure gold!" Job 23:16, "Blessed is a man who PERSEVERES under trial, for once he has been approved, he WILL receive the crown of life which the Lord has PROMISED to those who love Him!" James 1:12. In the first three verses the word when is emphasized, that's to show that we WILL go through something in life ONE WAY OR ANOTHER, IT IS INEVITABLE! But the last verse describes what happens when we endure, when we don't allow the attack to take us out like it was intended to do! If we stand firm on Gods word, put our faith into real action, and have hope and believe in the PROMISES God has made to us, we shall receive the crown of life! Now that doesn't mean we will be made king or queen of the world, or even have all the riches, it means that God will fulfill His promises. He will restore us, heal us, avenge us, whatever the trial is, whatever you are going through, if you seek God daily, trust and believe in what He says, FORGIVE AND SHOW MERCY (I know that can be a hard one, but God will give you the strength to do so), HE WILL REWARD, RESTORE, AND MAKE US SHINE IN THE END, OUR VICTORY IS GUARANTEED! There is NOTHING your enemies can do about it, there is nothing sickness can do about it, whatever or whoever it is that is bringing on the attack WILL LOSE! "GOD IS NOT A MAN THAT HE SHOULD LIE, NOR A SON OF MAN THAT HE SHOULD CHANGE HIS MIND. HAS HE EVER SPOKEN AND FAILED TO ACT? HAS HE EVER PROMISED AND NOT CARRIED IT THROUGH?" NUMBERS 23:19. That sums it up right there, God is NOT A MAN so he does't lie, so trust what he says WITH ALL YOUR HEART. God is not a man so HE DOESN'T CHANGE HIS MIND, meaning He will not go back on His promises! HAS HE EVER SPOKEN AND FAILED TO ACT?, has He ever been there for you, has He in the past rescued you, even when we were in sin, hasn't He ALWAYS kept His word before!? HAS HE EVER PROMISED AND NOT CARRIED IT THROUGH?, has there ever been a time when you recognize that God has fulfilled a promise to you, have you EVER experienced what you thought was a MIRACLE!? Have you ever said out loud "I DON'T KNOW HOW I GOT OUT OF THIS, or, I DON'T KNOW HOW THIS HAPPENED, or, I DON'T KNOW WHERE THIS CAME FROM!" These are our testimonies on how God has showed up in the past, EVEN WHEN WE WERE SINNERS AND NOT SEEKING HIM! So, if God kept me, saved me, restored me, even in my filth, I KNOW HE WILL DO, AND MORE ABUNDANTLY this time!! It will be SWEETER and MORE SATISFYING this time, and GOD WILL GET THE GLORY AND PRAISE!!......not me.....we have to be mindful and not allow PRIDE to rise up in us, we are not to be COCKY and HAUGHTY! ....and God doesn't want us to RUB IT IN when we have WON!! It will be an opportunity for HIS light to shine, and a testimony that will help OTHERS! So, be strong in the midst of your storm and trials, do not lean on your own understanding, reach out to God, pour our your heart before Him, LET HIM FIGHT YOUR BATTLE, and He will direct you, and REWARD YOU in the end!! I love you to LIFE! GOD LOVES YOU MORE THAN YOU CAN EVER IMAGINE!!

I usually end with bible verses, but I have a few in this reading, but if you are really going through AT THIS TIME, please read PSALMS 119!! YOU WILL BE TOUGHER WHEN YOUR DONE!! REMEMBER DON'T GIVE UP, DO NOT THROW IN THE TOWEL, LEAN ON GOD, HAVE PATIENCE UNTIL THE END!!!!

This is the link to the Top Christian Womens Blog site, they have something for everyone, from the lost sinner, to the mature christian. Be  Blessed!

to be continued......

Wednesday, October 30, 2019


Soo....This morning I finished reading a bible plan that I started on Monday titled "Unexpected" written by Christine Caine. I started it Monday not knowing what was going to happen just the very next day! I knew it meant something, but if I had guessed what it was, it wouldn't of been UNEXPECTED would it, lol! Like I have said in other posts, God doesn't use coincidence, or happenstance! He was preparing me for the blow I received, and WITHSTOOD yesterday! The meeting with the worker went really good, I prayed that God help my children get through without any negative feelings or side affects, not knowing exactly what they would have to go through! God answered my prayers, and I talked to the kids as we ate dinner about forgiving my step mother, I explained to them the power of forgiveness, and how it is more for them than the other person! This is a type of fight I thought I would NEVER find myself in, but the great and MOST COMFORTING fact is that I am not fighting alone! God is with me every step of the way! I am confident that every force that works against me in secret, every plan to break me will unravel! We are to stand strong, and not compromise our faith or trust in God, no matter what the situation is, no matter how hurtful the attack! AND FORGIVE AS GOD HAS FORGIVEN US!! Sometimes that angry feeling wells up, even AFTER you have declared that you have forgiven, but that is just a truck of the devil! The devil wants you to react in a negative way, he wants you to have feeling of vengeance, and hate! DO NOT GIVE IN! THERE IS NOTHING TO HARD FOR GOD, POWER BELONGS TO GOD! Do not allow the weight of the circumstances swallow you up, do not allow hurt feelings to twist your thoughts! God will never leave us nor forsake us, HIS WORD IS TRUE! God is able to do just what He says He'll do! It can be VERY hard sometimes, but those are the times when God wants us to REACH OUT TO HIM! Rely on the power that He gives us, and not on or on thoughts! Psalms 37:3 says "Though an army encamp against me, my heart shall not fear; though war arise against me, yet I will be  confident!" Even though you might find yourself surrounded by people who conspire against you, who throw darts at you. If you are talked about in the worst light behind your back, if you have your name dragged through the dirt, if have your past thrown in your face, stand confident! Reach out to God, He will give you all the strength you need to get through! I have to ask myself WWJD (what would Jesus do!), and act accordingly, Jesus, on the way to calvary, was spit on, beaten, cursed out, nailed to a cross, stabbed in both sides!! AND NOTHING IS MORE TERRIBLE THAN THAT! If Jesus can go through all of that, and STILL LOVE, than there is NOTHING anyone can TRY to do to me that would make REACT in a way that is not like God! God wants us to forgive, the moment we realize what is going on!! He wants us to CONTINUOUSLY LOVE OUR ENEMIES!!...and He will give you the strength to do so! REMEMBER THERE IS NOTHING TO HARD FOR GOD! Things might get a lot harder, before they get better, but there is one thing I know, I HAVE THE VICTORY THROUGH CHRIST JESUS! AND NOTHING CAN STAND AGAINST GOD! I love you to LIFE! GOD LOVES YOU MORE THAN YOU CAN EVERY IMAGINE!!!

"But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you!" Matthew 5:44

"But love your enemies, and do good, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He Himself is kind to ungrateful and evil men." 
Luke 6:35

"Do not say, "I will repay evil", Wait for the Lord and He will save you." Proverbs 20:22

"But to you who are listening I say, LOVE YOUR ENEMIES, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you." Luke 6:27-28

"Turn the other cheek!" Luke 6:29

ONE MORE THING, BECAUSE I JUST READ THIS! When the time comes, and you are victorious, and your enemies fall, DO NOT REJOICE, meaning, do not GLOAT, OR RUB IT IN, rather let it be an opportunity to share what God has done!!! EVERYTHING WE DO,WE SHOULD DO IN LOVE!

"DO NOT rejoice when your enemy falls, and do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles; or the Lord will see it and be displeased, and turn His anger away from him. DO NOT fret because of evildoers or be envious of the wicked!" Proverbs 24:17-20

This is the link to the Top Christian Womens Blog site, they have something for everyone, from the lost sinner, to the mature christian. Be  Blessed!

to be continued......

Tuesday, October 29, 2019


Soooo.......TODAY IS A REAL ONE!! LOL!! I have said in previous posts that the devil will AMP UP his ATTACKS the closer we get to our MIRACLE! I MUST BE CLOSE because I just received a call from DCF! (DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILIES!) My step mother went down there yesterday and FALSELY reported me to them! TALK ABOUT MEAN AND VINDICTIVE! They are coming to do an interview with me today at 2:30 pm, BUT I AM NOT AFRAID! You see, for the past couple of days, while reading the word and watching a couple of my favorite ministers, God gave me a word! They were saying that things will get WORSE before they get BETTER!! So I had a feeling that I was going to be in the fight of my life! BUT WHAT THEY DON'T KNOW IS THAT I AM NOT FIGHTING ALONE!! THEY DON'T KNOW THAT I ALREADY HAVE THE VICTORY! THEY DON'T KNOW WHO IS IN CONTROL, THEY DON'T KNOW WHO IS ADVOCATING FOR ME!! One of the ministers even talked about forces CONSPIRING BEHIND MY BACK! I didn't want to read in to that too much, because I didn't want to seem paranoid, but God led me to hear that in preparation for this day! GOD DOESN'T MAKE MISTAKES, and if we seek Him EVERYDAY, He will WARN US of what is to come! I am standing FIRM on Gods word and His promises to me! He has already vindicated me! He has already fought and won this battle for me! Gods light will shine through me when I talk to this social worker! He will feel God flowing through me! I thank God for this test! I thank God for stretching and growing my faith in Him!!!! "Thou preparest a table before me in the PRESENCE of my enemies!!" That is what God is going to do before the end of this week! I asked God to use me as a vessel, to show His great power! Now when we ask this of Him, it doesn't mean, oh, He is just going to swoop down and throw all these MATERIAL things at us in front of the ones who wish ill things against us! It means, He will BLESS US through ANY situation they TRY to bring on us! God will make sure that whatever our enemies try to do AGAINST us will not prosper, and then BRING US OUT in a BIG way!! Then they will have NO OTHER CHOICE but to recognize that it was only God who could have done that!! GOD WILL GET ALL THE GLORY, ALL THE HONOR, AND ALL THE PRAISE out of this situation! Even in the face of the people who bear false witness against you, God will LIFT YOU UP! That is His goal right now in my life! I FORGIVE HER, AND I LOVE HER, AND I STILL PRAY FOR HER! I don't want anyone to have to live with that kind of MALICE in their hearts!! I LIVED LIKE THAT ONCE! FULL  OF VENGEANCE, ANGER, HATE, UNFORGIVENESS! Once God set me free, I was lighter that a feather! It is a weight, it was TERRIBLE!! MY MIRACLE IS HERE!! I will not faint, I will not turn to anger or vengeance, I will not have any malice in my heart towards her, PRAYER IS WHAT SHE NEEDS!.....and I will continue to do so! My next post will be a GREAT TESTIMONY!!! For everyone who is reading, please pray for my step mother, pray that God removes her heart of stone and replaces it with a heart of flesh! I love you! GOD LOVES YOU MORE THAN YOU CAN EVER IMAGINE!!!! TRUST AND LEAN ON HIM, HE WILL NEVER LET YOU DOWN!! 

"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures, He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul, He leadeth me in the path of righteousness for His name sake. YEA, THOUGH I WALK THROUGH THE VALLEY OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH, I WILL FEAR NO EVIL. FOR THOU ART WITH ME! Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me, THOU PREPAREST A TABLE BEFORE ME IN THE PRESENCE OF MY ENEMIES! Thou anoints my head with oil, my cup runneth over! Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord FOREVER!" Psalms 23

"No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgement shall condemn. This is the heritage of the service of the Lord, and their righteousness is from me, SAYS THE LORD!" Isaiah 54:17 

This is the link to the Top Christian Womens Blog site, they have something for everyone, from the lost sinner, to the mature christian. Be  Blessed!

to be continued......

Friday, October 25, 2019


Soooo....I thank God for another day, for this is the day that the Lord has made, and I WILL REJOICE and be glad in it! I have finished the book of Proverbs in my study bible, and what a ride it was! I kind of PLOWED my way through it with excitement, wanting to learn as much as possible, and God exposed a few things that were apart of my character before He changed me! Proverbs talks a lot about lying, bearing false witness (talking about people), being lazy and wanting at the same time (work ethic), and pride! All of things were apart of me, until God renewed and restored me!.....but there were things that I missed or didn't understand, like Proverbs also talks about money management, planning ahead, and using time wisely! Needless to say, I will read this whole book all over again, so God can teach me more, I want to learn and understand ALL that this book has to offer!! The things that have stood out to me, as far the tools I need to live this Christian life, (Don't get me wrong, ALL OF IT IS VITAL, but a few just stood out for me PERSONALLY, because that's what having a relationship with God is, PERSONAL!), was seeking wise counsel, and fearing God! I got a real understanding about what these two things are, and it really stuck on me! I USED TO BE a person who thought I could do everything on my own! I didn't respect or listen to anything anyone had to say to me, I relied HEAVILY on my own thoughts, I was full of pride, I thought my own way was the RIGHT way, and I thought I was the smartest person in the room at ALL TIMES! Like my thoughts and ideas were SUPERIOR to others!! ISN'T THAT CRAZY! It says in Proverbs 12:15 "The fool is right in his own eyes, but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise," and Proverbs 3:7 says "Be not wise in thine own eyes; fear the Lord, and depart from evil!" I realized while reading this book how much of a FOOL I was!!! GOODNESS GRACIOUS! I was one of the BIGGEST FOOLS out there!! I don't EVER want to be foolish like that again!!! That is just one of the MANY things reading the word of God does for our lives, not only does reading the word strengthen us, gives us courage, impart Gods love and kindness on us, and tells us the promises God gave to us, it doesn't only tell us what to do and what not to do. Reading the word of God also can remind us of what we were, and how to refrain from that way of living, but in a LOVING WAY! I didn't feel shame or guilt, I didn't feel sad about what is NO LONGER APART OF ME! I just felt enlightened, I felt God was telling me to be wise, to continue to seek Him and His knowledge and understanding of the word! God lovingly reminded me of what not to be, along with what I need to do to make sure I don't return to that OLD ME!! GOD I LOVE YOU!!!!! God will always give us what we need, the Christian life might seem like a lifestyle full of YOU CAN'T DO THIS, AND YOU CAN'T DO THAT OR YOU WILL BURN IN HELL!......but it is really a life full of FREEDOM, LOVE, JOY, PEACE THAT SURPASSES ALL UNDERSTANDING, HAPPINESS, STRENGTH, COURAGE, FORGIVENESS!! God gives us ALL THE TOOLS we need to live this life! He wouldn't ask us to do this, and then leave us to our own devises!!! HE IS NOT CRUEL! We need the word of God to survive PERIOD!! It's all in there, all we have to do is CONTINUALLY SEEK GOD, EVERYDAY!!!!!! God will honor you, bless you, and keep you ALWAYS!!!! READ READ READ READ READ READ READ READ THE WORD OF GOD TODAY!!! I love you to LIFE!! GOD LOVES YOU MORE THAN YOU CAN EVER IMAGINE!!!

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the holy is understanding." Proverbs 9:10

"The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death." Proverbs 14:27

"By mercy and truth iniquity is purged, and by the fear of the Lord men depart from evil." Proverbs 16:6

This is the link to the Top Christian Womens Blog site, they have something for everyone, from the lost sinner, to the mature christian. Be  Blessed!

to be continued......

Thursday, October 24, 2019


Soooo.....this morning, during my time with God, I read a few more chapters in Proverbs, I am up to chapter 26. As I stated in a previous post, Proverbs is basically the "Do's and Don'ts" book of the bible, and explains the difference between a WISE MAN and a FOOL! But, that is not where my word comes from this morning! As I walked into the kitchen after my sister left for work, I noticed that cooked a whole can of corn beef hash, and left the can, dirty pan, plate, spoon, and spatula on the stove and counter! Now, the old me would have went to 0-100 REAL QUICK, and a little of that kind of stirred up, I may have gone from 0 to about 20, lol! I said to myself "This is not right, and I'm not cleaning up after a GROWN women, especially one who has a negative opinion about everyone else's life, and what they do or don't do!" I even asked God, I said "THIS AIN'T RIGHT, IS IT GOD!?" Asking God as if He was going to validate my feelings, and say, NAH IT ISN'T AND DON'T CLEAN IT UP! NOPE! The second the question came out of my mouth, God IMMEDIATELY changed my train of thought! You see, if you allow yourself to be led by the spirit, FLESH HAS NO DOMINION! You won't think the same, you will not react to or handle a situation the same, the Holy Spirit inside of you will IMMEDIATELY take over, telling you the right way to respond, it is just up to us to listen to that small voice! I immediately thought, no, I just need to do what needs to be done. I reminded myself about humility, and how it doesn't mean to be HUMILIATED, or TREATED IN AN UNFAIR WAY! Humility means to serve, no matter the circumstances! I had to look at this situation, not from a flesh standpoint, thinking I'M NOT THE HOUSE SLAVE, I AM NOT HERE TO CLEAN UP AFTER GROWN PEOPLE!......but from Gods point of view, how can I help, I need to clean up because it needs to be done to keep things clean, and what in my sister is making her be so unclean and lazy! Now THAT IS NO SHADE against my sister, I love her DEARLY, but there are other forces at work here! You see, God will expose things to you in certain ways, we just have to have our eyes open enough to see them! I am supposed realize what is going on with her, TO PRAY FOR HER, and ask God to heal whatever she is going through mentally and emotionally! Depression, unhappy thoughts, resentment, emotional pain, all of those cause a person to not have the mind to clean up, keep there rooms or even themsleves clean and tidy, chaos in their surroundings are a mirror to the chaos going on in their soul!Whatever is going on in the inside will echo outwardly!  Proverbs 27:19 says "As in water face answereth to face, so the heart of man to man."  Humility is not for us, IT IS FOR OTHERS! We as Christians are suppose to be in constant service, AS JESUS WAS WHEN HE WAS HERE ON EARTH! I asked myself, WHAT WOULD JESUS DO? I answered myself saying, He would clean the pan, the dish, the spatula, the plate, and discard the can, and then be in prayer for her! He wouldn't think she was taking advantage of Him, Jesus wouldn't of gotten angry, ranting and raving out loud, He would of reacted out of love! Reacting in the flesh, fussing and getting angry would of done much damage to my soul! I believe that when we react that way, in anger and frustration, it twists us on the inside! It creates a war in us, it makes us uneasy, vengeful, which leads DIRECTLY to sin! Then, after the sin, the worst, SHAME AND GUILT sets in!! So whatever we face, no matter what it is, ask yourself this question before reacting, WHAT WOULD JESUS DO! Sometimes you might think the answer will humiliate you, but think HUMILITY and not humiliation! Sometimes, because we are human, the answer might make us think, oh he or she is playing me, they can't get away with this or that, but that is not the point! No one ever gets away with doing wrong to another person, but that is between that person AND GOD! NOT US! LET GOD HANDLE THAT! If we are put in a position to serve, no matter what the circumstances, than we should serve, because that is exactly what Jesus would do! And if God brings to your attention what may be going on with the person or persons, than we are to pray for them!! We have to think MORE about others than ourselves as Christians!! THAT IS WHAT JESUS WOULD DO!!! God bless you, I love you to LIFE!!! GOD LOVES YOU MORE THAN YOU CAN EVER IMAGINE!!! OH.....AND READ READ READ READ READ THE WORD OF GOD!!! I WOULD BE LOST WITHOUT IT!!!

"Whoever says he abides in Him ought to walk in the same way in which He walked" 1 John 2:6

"Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ" 1 Corinthians 11:1

"For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving  you an example, so that you might follow His steps"
1 Peter 2:21

This is the link to the Top Christian Womens Blog site, they have something for everyone, from the lost sinner, to the mature christian. Be  Blessed!

to be continued......

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD I started a new bible plan after reading a few chapters in Proverbs. The plan is called "Powered by Scripture." The one thing that stood out, and what I thanked God for, was this relationship that we have! I have never been more fulfilled, happy, and full of joy and surety! I have never been more confident, and humble! To say that God has filled up all of my empty, broken places is an UNDERSTATEMENT! On top of that he is rebuilding my character, strengthening and reinforcing my faith! God is answering all of my prayers, He speaks to me daily, He always makes sure I know that He is there! It is the most healthy and loving relationship I have EVER BEEN IN! This relationship is built on love and kindness, forgiveness, grace and mercy! THERE IS NO OTHER RELATIONSHIP THAT CAN EVEN COME CLOSE TO COMPARING TO THIS! Not even the one I have with my children! The love I have for God is more than I have for anyone or anything in this whole world and universe, EVEN MORE THAT I HAVE FOR MY CHILDREN OR MYSELF! Now, to a regular person (a person that doesn't have a relationship with God, or read His word, YET), having more love for someone else over yourself or you children might seem unhealthy or unsettling, but think about this, you cannot TRULY and love yourself or your children without true love for God! God is love, you have to love God FIRST, to be able to love yourself and anyone else the way your suppose to love them! We must learn love from God first! Building and nurturing a relationship with God will  make you successful in all areas in your life! I'm not saying everything will be perfect all the time, but you will have the tools to get through the times when things aren't perfect! You will have the confidence to stand against adversity! When you have a relationship with God, you have planted your feet on a solid foundation! So that when the trials of life come your way, you will not blow over, you will not fall or suffer major damage! A relationship with God, being in His will, is the safest place we can EVER be! A relationship with God takes work, it is give and take! It definitely isn't a, ask God for everything, and He just GIVES it to us! We have to be obedient, humble, and above all, love others as we love Him and ourselves! When you find yourself in a dark place, God will be you light! God is your lawyer in the courtroom, He is your doctor, He is a father when your fatherless, a mother when your motherless, He is your friend and your guide, He is trustworthy, loving and FAITHFUL! Who wouldn't want to be in a relationship like that! I cling onto God EVERYDAY! I know that I can't make it without Him, and I don't want to EVER TRY, EVER AGAIN! My desire is to seek His face EVERYDAY! I hunger and thirst after His word, in it I find comfort, and I believe in everything He says! I DON'T KNOW ANY HUMAN PERSON I CAN SAY ALL THOSE THINGS ABOUT! LOL!!! Having a relationship with God gives me all the hope I need for the future, I know that ALL things will work out for my good, according to Gods plans for my life!  Give your life over to God today, repent of all your sins, name them one by one, ask God to save you, and wash you clean! HE WILL DELIVER YOU, AND SET YOU FREE! THEN HE WILL REPAIR YOU, AND MAKE YOU BETTER THAN YOU HAVE EVER BEEN! I know this first hand, I feel His changing power EVERYDAY!! OH...AND READ READ READ READ READ READ READ READ THE WORD OF GOD!!! PLEEEAAAAASSSEEEE!!!! I love you to LIFE! GOD LOVES YOU MORE THAN YOU CAN EVER IMAGINE!!!

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come to pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:11-13

This is the link to the Top Christian Womens Blog site, they have something for everyone, from the lost sinner, to the mature christian. Be  Blessed!

to be continued......

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Sooooo......This morning I read in proverbs the contrast between EVIL and GOODNESS....but let me tell you something that I realized. These first 13 chapters are split up into 2 sections, the first 7 chapters talk contrast RIGHTEOUSNESS and WICKEDNESS, and chapters 14-20 contrast EVIL and GOODNESS, but all the verses speak on the same subject matter! All the verses in these chapters talk about the lying tongue being an abomination, being a prideful and haughty person leading to destruction, watching what what you say before you say it, seeking wisdom instead of riches, listening to good counsel, fearing the Lord, and helping the less fortunate! Over and over and over these subject matters come up, just worded differently, sometimes worded exactly alike!! It goes back to what I said in an old post, how teacher impart what they want their students to learn, they have give them the same information SEVERAL times to make sure they retain the information! THAT IS WHAT GOD DOES! He doesn't expect us to just read or hear it once and POOF, that's it, all fixed, ALL DONE! Becoming more like Christ requires that we read His instructions and commandments OVER AND OVER AND OVER, to insure that we retain the information God (our teacher) wants us to know! Every story in the bible are examples of what happens when you do, or don't do what God has commanded! God wants us to be successful, He gives us all the tools we need to be so! IN HIS WORD!! THE WORD, THE WORD, THE WORD!! He gives us CLEAR and PRECISE information that will help us to make the right decisions during our day to day life!! Fearing God insures that we live a full, and successful life!! Now, fearing God isn't a negative thing! God doesn't want to make us do the right thing through intimidation and threats! Fearing God means to head His word, doing the right thing, making the right decisions, because we know if we don't it will lead to our destruction! Destruction brought on by our OWN doing, becoming a slave to sin again! Living again in the bondage that God already freed us from! I RATHER FEAR GOD THAN LIVE IN THAT KIND OF BONDAGE EVER AGAIN! God wants us to seek Him DAILY, He will not let you fall, or stumble if we are intentional in seeking His wisdom everyday! In the will of God is the safest place we ever be in our lives! Walking in His will means obeying His commandments, it means denying ourselves, and if I have to deny myself of COCAINE, ALCOHOL, WEED, LUST, FORNICATION, CURSING, AND PRIDE, A LYING TONGUE, THIEVERY, CERTAIN MOVIES AND WORLDLY MUSIC, NEGATIVE PEOPLE AROUND ME, AND MY FIRST CLASS TICKET TO HELL, to live a blessed life full of happiness, joy, peace, freedom from death and sin, the promise of eternal life in heaven, everything I need and want according to Gods plan, THAN DENY MYSELF AND FEAR GOD I SHALL!!! When spelled all out like that, the choice seems easy, but the flesh can be a strong thing, it calls to us EVERYDAY! That is why I cling to the word of God, that is why I say in almost every post READ READ READ READ READ READ the word of God, apply it to your life, be obedient to His commandments, and watch how God blesses you, with things you couldn't even think about asking for, AND MORE!! I love you to LIFE!! GOD LOVES YOU MORE THAN YOU CAN EVER IMAGINE!!! 

This is the link to the Top Christian Womens Blog site, they have something for everyone, from the lost sinner, to the mature christian. Be  Blessed!

to be continued..........

Monday, October 21, 2019

PROVERBS (RIGHTEOUSNESS VS. WICKEDNESS) I wrote in the last post, Proverbs is hitting me A LOT different this time around! I LOVE what God is showing and teaching me! Chapters 8 and 9 deal with the importance of wisdom, and interestingly enough, how old and how long wisdom has been around! (lol, I know, I'm not saying it has a BIRTHDAY or anything!) These chapters outline how far back wisdom has been around, to explain it's IMPORTANCE! Chapters 8 and 9 say that wisdom has been around even before we were made, it was there as God created the heavens and the earth! It was there when He created the trees, the streams, the valleys! Wisdom was there when God created man, wisdom can be found in the inhabitable places and the uninhabitable places of the earth! The point made in these chapters is WISDOM CAN BE FOUND LITERALLY EVERYWHERE, AS LONG AS YOU SEEK IT!! It doesn't matter where you are physically or spiritually, if you seek wisdom, your seeking God, they go hand in hand! Now! Chapters 10-13 contrasts the difference between WICKEDNESS and RIGHTEOUSNESS! A few things stood out to me, they were repeated throughout these chapters but in different ways! The first thing that stood out to me, (because this was apart of the OLD ME, and God is rebuilding my character),was how a wicked person has LOOSE LIPS, but a righteous person conceals. Now CONCEAL in these verses don't mean HIDE, or OMIT, it simply means to watch your words, know when to say little, a courser explanation, DON'T BE A PERSON WHO JUST RUNS THEIR MOUTH, KNOW WHEN TO WITHHOLD, KNOW WHEN TO SPEAK AND WHEN NOT TO SPEAK, CHOOSE YOUR WORDS WISELY! A foolish person runs their mouth without any regard, and their words have no substance, but a wise person chooses their words, speaks only facts and truths (backed with the word), and their words are meaningful and helpful! The other subjects that stood out to me, some of my OLD character flaws, was LYING TONGUE, PRIDE, REFUSING GOOD COUNSEL, AND PROCRASTINATION! A lying tongue is an abomination to God, pride brings shame and death, thinking I can do everything by myself not taking any advise from others who know better or the advise from God himself is FOOLISH, and putting things off or not doing it at all brought me to a point where I had nothing but DESIRED EVERYTHING! In order for God to work in us, we have to recognize what the flaws are, confront them, and then allow God to make the changes by reading His word DAILY! Your soul will desire and crave instruction the more and more you seek God! Christianity is not about WHAT YOU CAN'T OR NOT ALLOWED TO DO, it's all about what you are able to do and what you can have when you are obedient to Gods commandments, it's about choosing life, instead of death! Gods possibilities for us are endless, it is fulfilling, and it is satisfying! Proverbs 10:22 says "The blessings of the Lord maketh rich, and addeth no sorrow!" That means that through our obedience to Gods word, and His will for our lives, he will provide all that we need AND MUCH MORE, and with that comes the happiness, joy and peace!!
I love you to LIFE! I hope and pray that if your reading this and haven't given your life over to Christ, make that step, choose Christ, He will make you whole, and on top of your obedience, give you what you need! MORE THAN YOU CAN THINK TO ASK OF HIM! GOD LOVES YOU MORE THAN YOU CAN EVER IMAGINE!!! 

"The lip of truth shall be established for ever; but a lying tongue is but for a moment" Proverbs 12:19
"Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord; but they that deal truly are his delight" Proverbs 12:22

"The mouth of a righteous man is a well of life; but violence covereth the mouth of the wicked" Proverbs 10:11
"The mulititude of words there wanteth not sin; but he that refraineth his lips is wise" Proverbs 10:19
"He that keepeth his mouth keepeth his life; but he that openeth wide his lips shall have destruction" Proverbs 12:3

"The slothful man roasteth not that which he took in hunting; but the substance of a diligent man is precious." Proverbs 12:27
"The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing; but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat." Proverbs 13:4

"When pride cometh, then come shame; but with the lowly cometh wisdom." Proverbs 11:1
"The way of a fool is right in his own eyes; but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise." Proverbs 12:15
"Only by pride cometh contention; but with the well advised is wisdom." Proverbs 13:10

This is the link to the Top Christian Womens Blog site, they have something for everyone, from the lost sinner, to the mature christian. Be  Blessed!

to be continued..........

Saturday, October 19, 2019


Soo....this will be a quick post (I think, it's up to God really)! I read somewhere on a twitter post about a Proverbs challenge, reading one chapter a day! So God led me to start this, but not in my Bible app, but in my Study Bible (a Christmas gift from my mother 2 years ago!). I read Proverbs the first time I decided to follow Christ (and failed because I was not transformed by the renewing of my mind!), I thought it was just a book that was full of chastisement! I thought it was a book full of threats from God, threats of what would happen if you didn't do what your supposed to do! NOW PROVERBS IS HITTING ME COMPLETELY DIFFERENT! I cannot and will not take credit for how I understand Proverbs now, it is God who gave me this understanding! This comes from reading the word everyday, learning from God everyday, listening to his instructions everyday, praying everyday, walking in obedience everyday! In the first 6 chapters of Proverbs, God tells us to hold on the the wisdom and understanding He has given to us! (If you have been reading and studying His word everyday, placing it in your heart, applying it to your life!). Those first 6 chapters also talked about standing strong against the temptations of this world, the temptation of sin! Standing strong against the temptation of greed, and gaining fine things! I believe this happens after God rains down the MAJOR blessings promised to us! The temptation to GO BACK TO OLD WAYS, the temptation to sell out for money, fame, and fine things will be STRONG! To take our lives back into our own hands after the blessing! He warns us to CLING ON TO THE WISDOM AND UNDERSTANDING He has given to us during our development! He warns us to lean not unto our own understanding, and to acknowledged Him in ALL OUR WAYS and He will direct our path! That means, don't ever think now that God has blessed us, now that we have gained what we have been working toward, that we can TAKE IT FROM THERE ON OUR OWN, TAKING OUR WILL BACK! We as believers should never think we have arrived to the point that we can do things without God! THAT IS A LIE FROM THE PIT OF HELL! For me, personally, I want to always live like I am now, hungry and thirsty for Gods word, his leadership, his guidance, with the desire to be OBEDIENT TO HIS WILL AND HIS WAY! I want to always live like I am about to be PUT OUT, like I'm one step away from being broken, one step away from death and destruction if I turn away from God! I know that sounds like a crazy way of thinking, it may even sound like BONDAGE, but it's not! Staying in that mindset means that we will never forget what God has brought us through, where He has brought us from, how He delivered us, how He put us back together! This way we will never forget that WE CANNOT DO LIFE WITHOUT HIM! WITHOUT HIM OUR LIVES WOULD ME MEANINGLESS, WORTHLESS, AND DESTRUCTIVE! We will remember the weight of sin, and how we feel living and walking in FREEDOM!! AND THAT EVERYTHING THAT GOD BLESSES US WITH, EVERYTHING THAT HE HAS RESTORED, ABUNDANTLY, CAN BE TAKEN AWAY IN A SECOND IF WE DON'T KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS, IF WE FORGET WHERE WE CAME FROM AND TAKE MATTERS BACK INTO OUR OWN HANDS!!!! I love you to life, GOD LOVES YOU MORE THAN YOU CAN EVER IMAGINE!! 

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto your own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, depart from evil. It shall be health to thy navel,and marrow to thy bones." Proverbs 3:5-8

This is the link to the Top Christian Womens Blog site, they have something for everyone, from the lost sinner, to the mature christian. Be  Blessed!

to be continued..........


Soo.....This morning, like every morning that I read Gods word, was an AMAZING experience! I was reminded, in a loving and gentle way that comes from God, of what I used to be before giving my life over to Christ, and what I am NOW in Him! The story of the Valley of the Dry Bones is what I read this morning, now I have read this story  before, but now it takes on a new spiritual meaning, it describes the awesome power of Gods grace and mercy and how he forgives us and brings us into a new life, and new person! In this story, the prophet Ezekiel is in a valley of DRY bones, bones of the dead and decomposed! God told him to prophesy over these bones, and when he did, he heard them rattle, put themselves together bone by bone, and then flesh formed around them, but they were still dead. Then God told Ezekiel to prophesy breathe, and he did, and then the great army rose up ALIVE! Isn't that AWESOME! That is what happens when we accept God as our Lord and Savior, when we repent of all our sins, and turn to Him. We are like the valley of dry bones (in our sinful state, where flesh has dominion over us), we are broken, dirty, rotting, in laying in a ditch! When we surrender, Gods forgiveness and love builds us back up, like those bones! We are made a NEW CREATURE like the flesh growing over those dry bones! Then God breathes life into us with His word, the BIBLE!! This is why I CONTINUALLY SAY READING THE BIBLE IS OUR LIFE SOURCE!!!! Because it IS!! The breathe in this story is the word of God, those bodies, although made brand new, were STILL DEAD, it wasn't until the breathe came that they were deemed ALIVE!! You see, we need the breathe (THE WORD OF GOD) to be alive, to REALLY LIVE! Its not enough that our rotted bones were put back together, and we received a new body, THE WORD OF GOD IS WHAT MAKES US ALIVE, KEEPS US ALIVE! We can't just take ONE breathe, and expect for that one to sustain us, and keep us alive! We have to CONTINUALLY BREATHE to achieve life! It's the same for our spiritual life, WE MUST READ THE WORD OF GOD EVERYDAY IN ORDER TO STAY ALIVE, ONE DAY WON'T DUE! Because if you just read one day (take just one breathe), you will SURELY DIE! After God brings you back to life, spend time with Him, give God your mornings before you start your day, even if you have to wake up a little earlier to do so, it will give you life for that day, but you need to repeat this process everyday! God will give you the strength, the courage, and all the love you need to survive that day! No matter what you might face that day, you will know that you can rely on the word of God!! That is the kind of power and strength NOTHING else can give you, coffee, breakfast, power bars, or whatever you eat physically in the morning can do NOTHING for your spirit! Feed you spirit, like you feed your body in the morning! You can even do the two simultaneously!! (I do! lol) I love you to LIFE! GOD LOVES YOU MORE THAN YOU CAN EVER IMAGINE!!

Ezekiel prophesying  over the dry bones can be found in the book of Ezekiel chapter 37!!

This is the link to the Top Christian Womens Blog site, they have something for everyone, from the lost sinner, to the mature christian. Be  Blessed!

to be continued..........

Friday, October 18, 2019

REBUILDING THE PARENT part 2 goes part 2 to the earlier post! I started and completed a study plan this morning called "7 Things the Bible says about Parenting." Through this plan, God gave me the tools to become a better parent, and how to raise my children in the way they should go, meaning, to teach them to lead a spiritual life! I want my kids to have every advantage in life, but the only way they will be TRULY successful is to follow Gods plan and purpose for their life! I want to be the example of that for them! I have learned that there needs to be a balance, the scale of love and discipline needs to be as even as possible. If I show a lot of love, but not enough discipline, then they will become SPOILED! (and as parents we DEFINITELY don't want that!) If we discipline too much (overly hard on them all the time) and lacking in affection, then we push them away! We as parents should always seek God, allow Him to lead us in this area! If we are doing too much of either one, then we are acting through our EMOTIONS, and not from the word of God, and as we know all to well, our emotions can and will mislead us! If we have a balance, then our children will accept the discipline as a loving correction, making them more cautious about doing the wrong thing, and they will carry around a type of conviction with them when they are out of our sights! The other lesson God taught me was that I should pray with and pray for my children everyday! This protects their spirit, something they cannot do on their own and is our responsibility! That is how my daughter fell into this obsession she had with Billie Eillish! Her spirit was unguarded, she was reaching out to a demonic source for emotional comfort, for emotional relativity, instead of knowing to come to me, OR MORE IMPORTANTLY PRAYING TO GOD! I have to watch what I say to my children, when I was in sin, I was a parent who when triggered by my kids, say mean things when I was angry! I used to fuss and cuss, and everything in between! I have to speak LIFE into my children! It doesn't mean I won't ever get frustrated, or yell sometimes, it's WHAT I say and the feeling behind it that matters! We are to teach our kids how to pray, and who to turn to when they find themselves in an bad place mentally and emotionally! The devil preys on their emotions and mind just as much as he does with adults!! He can get to them a lot faster if they don't have the tools to defend themselves! Teach them how to pray! Teach them the ways of God through the word! The best example you can give a child is how WE LIVE OUR LIVES! That is the first hand experience they will have! If we renew our minds daily (with the word of God), pray without ceasing (to build up our faith, strength and relationship with God), and testify to them, without going into too much mature details, what God has brought you from, they will learn day by day, year by year, the things of God and just how good He is! THAT WILL NEVER LEAVE THEM!! No matter what choices they make, no matter what road they choose (both of which we have no control over!!!!), they will always have that foundation, they will always have the ways of God INSTILLED in them! That is what my mother did for me and my siblings! You see, when I was out in the world as a young women, I did my thing, did what I wanted to do, BUT, I knew how far to go! I knew when too much was too much, I still had God in my ear! I still felt Him pulling! When I went to college, God surrounded me with girls who had a great foundation, girls who even if they weren't raised in the church, had a moral center! We didn't just DO ANYTHING!!...and my best friend, the one who I have mentioned in earlier posts, no matter how much we partied on the weekends, we got our butts up for church on Sunday! (well she got up, and almost ALWAYS had to MAKE me get up!! TO GOD BE THE GLORY FOR THAT!!) See, prayer and good foundation in God will guarantee that when you children go out into this world, THEY ARE COVERED!! They will know, even if they choose sin (WHICH I PRAY DESPERATELY THAT THEY DON'T!) they know how to pray, they know to call on the name of Jesus when they are covered in darkness! The spirit in them will draw them to church every once in a while if not every Sunday! It is very important for their survival, ESPECIALLY now a days!! It is getting increasingly wicked and evil! Our children are surrounded by the lies of the devil, through television, friends, music, and the BIGGEST THREAT OF ALL THE INTERNET!!! We MUST monitor what they ingest digitally, and prohibit things that we know will damage them spiritually! We need to CONSTANTLY keep our kids lifted in prayer, and just think about this, if God can deliver you, change your life COMPLETELY, than protection of our children is a breeze! NOTHING IS TOO HARD FOR OUR GOD TO HANDLE!!! I love you to LIFE! May God bless and keep all of our children, in Jesus name! GOD LOVES YOU MORE THAN YOU CAN EVER IMAGINE!! 

"Raise up a child in the way they should go, and even when they are old, will not depart from it!" Proverbs 22:8

This is the link to the Top Christian Womens Blog site, they have something for everyone, from the lost sinner, to the mature christian. Be  Blessed!

to be continued..........


Sooo....One of the many things I asked God to change and or fix about me was how I parent! I have asked Him on many occasions in prayer to help me be a better parent to my children. Yesterday, God decided to get to work! You see, God has a plan, and a pattern, first He had to work on me concerning character flaws. I cannot be a great parent if I still have immorality in me! Now God has thrown me RIGHT IN! Yesterday I stumbled upon a video about the negative effects hip hop/pop music has on our children. I was already wanting to talk to my kids about that, but I was hesitant because I didn't want to face their disappointment and angst! My daughter, and this started several weeks ago, picked up this obsession with an artist called Billie Eillish! Now, this was before I turned over my life to God, and even then I had a REALLY BAD feeling about it, but because the flesh had dominion over me, I let it go! After watching that video yesterday, I decided Billie had to go! I mean my daughter had all the song lyrics written down in several notebooks, she would study them on a daily basis, she would look at her pictures everyday, I mean those demons had COMPLETELY LATCHED on to my baby! (she's 12, but I still call all 3 my babies not matter the age) It was to the point where if I even brought up the concerns I had, or even threatened to take it all away, it would bring my daughter into a fit of tears, almost identical to an anxiety attack!! WHEN I TELL YOU THOSE SONGS RELEASE SPIRITS, PLEASE BELIEVE ME, DO SOME RESEARCH! BACK IT WITH THE WORD OF GOD! So I fed up, what I watched moved me so much, that I stormed into her room looking for her IDOLS materials, PICTURES, LYRICS, EVERYTHING, AND SHE HAS A LOT! I found a few things, but then I found this letter, and a song that my daughter wrote! I WAS COMPLETELY OVERTHROWN EMOTIONALLY!  The song had profanity, and it outlined how everyone thinks she's the BAD GUY, and how accepted that saying, "WELL I WILL SHOW YOU A BAD GUY!" It talked about some troubles she had in school last year, and how I believed the teachers over her, and at the end it said EFF ME AND EFF THE TEACHER!! It cut through me like a knife! then I read the letter, and God showed me what the cause was! In this letter my daughter talked about how I used to talk to her when I was angry with her, and how MY WORDS TEAR HER APART AND TEAR HER DOWN!!! I BALLED!! I CRIED AND CRIED! She wrote once her father left she had no one to protect her from ME! ME! I thought that we had a GREAT relationship, I even bragged about it at times! Needless to say, I VIGOROUSLY REPENTED for all the horrible things I have said to my children, breaking them down over time! That was a hard pill to swallow! That is why she identified with this Billie Eillish so much, they haven't gone through the same things, but they both have the same spirits on them! I prayed and asked God to give me the words to say, I know I had to apologize to her before I broke it to her that there will be no more Billie Eillish EVER! I asked God to make this transition smooth, I also asked Him to give her a heart to give me the materials WILLINGLY without a fight! She got home, I apologized, and then God gave me a word! I explained to her that her connection to Billie is demonic, that this artist carries a whole host of depressive, angry, immoral, REBELLIOUS spirits, and that they have latched themselves on to her! I told her that she goes in her room and reads those lyrics, and sings her songs to fill an emotional void in her heart, and that I couldn't allow it anymore! i told her, that she had to give me all she had concerning her! I told her, to take a 7 day challenge, no Billie Eillish, I wanted her to say a quick prayer every time she felt sad, or every time she thought about Billie, and at the end of the 7 days, if you don't feel better, I would give her back the material!! NOW I AM REALLY LEANING ON FAITH HERE! I know God will do EXCEEDINGLY! Guess what, God did EXACTLY what I asked of Him! She gave me everything without a fight, she was crying, but I expected that! You see those demons knew they were about to be cast out, they knew their time was up with my child, and they were PANICKING! She even had to stop eating dinner because she was crying and just felt SO overwhelmed! THIS NEXT PART IS MY FAVORITE GOD MOMENT! She said to me at the table, I FEEL LIKE I'M HAVING AN ANXIETY ATTACK!! I DIDN'T KNOW HOW UNHEALTHY THIS WAS UNTIL IT WAS TAKEN AWAY!! I told her that was the demons trying to push her back into that depressive and rebellious state! WHEW!! I definitely have a part 2 for this post because there is much more God taught me this morning! I love you to life, please come back and read part 2, It is very important! GOD LOVES YOU MORE THAN YOU CAN EVER IMAGINE!

This is the link to the Top Christian Womens Blog site, they have something for everyone, from the lost sinner, to the mature christian. Be  Blessed!

to be continued..........

Thursday, October 17, 2019


Sooo...okay, this is part 2 to the post from this morning, kind of expanding, and telling the whole story! It is good to be bold and ask God to help, to give us the things we want and need!...but I was thinking about the MOST important thing that comes from that! When God blesses us, when he unlocks our overflow, it's not ALL about just us! It is FOR us, but it's not ALL ABOUT US! It is mostly so that God gets all the glory, honor, and praise! Our lives are to reflect the grace and mercy that God has given us! We are the examples of what happens when we are OBEDIENT to Gods word! That is what I am most concerned with! I will be very happy, overjoyed, and all those other great feelings when God showers down his blessings for me, but there is something MORE IMPORTANT at stake here! THE LOST SOULS AROUND ME! Meaning my brother, sister, and step-mother! They have not had a good example of the Christian life and walk, they have not had the privilege of growing up in church, they don't have the foundation, rooted and grounded in Christ! All they know of God is how they saw my father when he was "saved" (and that's no shade, I wasn't a great example myself the FIRST time I gave myself to Christ!), and the negative messages they see on television and social media! They have negative images of televangelists (not saying ALL are false preachers and teachers), and the judgmental nature that those in the church often display! They think what they see on these platforms is what it is to follow Christ! I have the opportunity to show them something different! They have already seen a glimpse, as far as not hearing me swear, and not seeing me drink, hearing me listen to gospel music...but that's not all they will witness, and this next part is VERY IMPORTANT! As of right now, all they know is that I am their sister, a women who has no money, a person who drank up all their mothers booze, the object of their mothers wrath and anger, a mother who is financially unable to take care of her children, someone who was a liar, a thief, and an emotionally cut off person! They see me as a person who time after time after time again ruined every opportunity to get it together, they see me as a selfish and unstable person! The old me sounds horrible when I type it all out, BUT I THANK GOD FOR DELIVERANCE! When God performs this miracle in my life (and it is already here, I can sense it!), it won't be me that is glorified, IT WILL BE GODS NAME THAT IS LIFTED UP! They WILL ask me, "HOW ARE YOU SO LUCKY? HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO YOU?" This will be my opportunity to witness to them the love of Christ! You see, all of this, everything I have done and been through has led me right up to this moment! It's all about THE LOST SOULS! People who have little to no opportunity to hear about God! I will be able to give my testimony, tell them my journey from start to finish, and invite them to read this blog from start to finish!! I AM SO EXCITED! I am more excited about that opportunity than the actual blessing, you see I already know the blessing is going to take place, but the possibility that it will push souls to Christ is what is MOST IMPORTANT!! Now, don't get me wrong, I don't want to and never will tell ANYONE that all you have to do is repent, give up drinking and smoking etc......and think God will give you THINGS!! It's much more than that! I will be able to tell them about how I have TOTALLY SURRENDERED! They haven't seen me sad or depressed since this all went down, I will be able to tell them where this joy and peace came from! I will be able to tell them how I was able to keep my head, how I made it through to that point! It was never ALL about me, I have benefited spiritually, emotionally, and soon with overflow, but it is definitely more about the souls that would other wise have no access to this message! I THANK GOD FOR THIS OPPORTUNITY TO SHARE THE GOOD NEWS! I THANK HIM FOR USING ME AS A VESSEL TO SHARE HIS LOVE AND GRACE! I know this will be a life changing moment for my family that I live with, not just me! I pray that they are saved, I pray that through this blessing, they repent of all their sins, and turn their sights on God!  I pray that they realize that they can't do this life without the Lord! I pray that they are healed of all their emotional and mental baggage! I pray that they experience the freedom from sin and death! At the end of the day, it will be their choice, God has given us free will, He wants us to FREELY give, it is not mandatory! (it mandatory if we want a great life!) He doesn't just want to take it! So, in the end, even though it will be my breakthrough out of this dark, dry season for me, THE TESTIMONY IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIFE AND DEATH FOR MY FAMILY! That is what I am most concerned about! I want everyone who reads these posts, everyone around me, everyone I have contact with who are not saved, who do not know Christ, to feel the way I feel! I want them to experience and feel the love of God, I want them to be set free from the yoke and bondage of sin! I want them to be delivered and healed, I want them to be set free! I want everyone to have access to what God has for them and to walk in the fullness of Him! I love you all to LIFE! GOD LOVES YOU MORE THAN YOU CAN EVERY IMAGINE!! 

"Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from these things, he will be a vessel of honor, sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work!" 2 Timothy 2:21

"But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to GOD and not to us!"
2 Corinthians 4:7

This is the link to the Top Christian Womens Blog site, they have something for everyone, from the lost sinner, to the mature christian. Be  Blessed!

to be continued..........


So........I do have a testimony, a testimony of what it feels like to be obedient to Gods word, and how He always answers any questions I ask! In yesterdays post I wrote about how God laid on my heart that I should try to reconcile with the person who is angry at me, try to make amends, be the peacemaker! I also wrote that the old me WOULD HAVE NEVER done ANYTHING like that! I knew I had to be obedient! I felt nervous, but I know I didn't want to chicken out! I am not a coward anymore, the prideful spirit I once had has been cast out! I prayed that God give me the words to say, I asked Him to take away the nervous feeling! I told myself that God was always with me, He hasn't failed me yet! I reminded myself that God is in control of this situation, I prayed that he protect my heart and feelings from whatever hurtful things that might of been said! You see, I knew I couldn't face that situation on my own! If I had taken that into my own hands, if I spoke my own words, said and felt things out of an emotional state, instead of a spiritual state, I would have messed things up TERRIBLY! I would probably be on the streets right now, or worse IN JAIL! God answered my prayer, He gave me peace, took away the nervous feelings, and when she got home, waited until she got settled and just went for it! God gave me the confidence! He instilled it in me with His word, you see, I already knew I had the victory, I already knew that everything would work out for my good, no matter the response, no matter how the conversation was going to go, I already knew God had worked it out, all He was waiting for was my OBEDIENCE to His word! I started the conversation, and was met with opposition! I sincerely apologized, and was told it meant nothing! I told her I loved her, and was thrown back doubt and anger! I was then told that I wasn't wanted here, and that I had to get out, and several other things, but I stood strong! Little did she know I was standing on a SOLID ROCK! She doesn't know that Jesus is my rock, and that I am rooted and grounded in Him! I wasn't filled with fear over being away from my children (because she thinks I'm leaving here without them), I didn't have any fear of being homeless (because God is faithful, and I know He will never do anything to hurt me, and I believe I will receive everything I have prayed for, and God supplies ALL of our needs!). I told her that I wanted us to be ok before I leave (I didn't brag about the miracle God is about to perform in my life, I actually felt bad for her!). I told her that I didn't want to leave this house with there still being bad feelings between us, and that was meant with negativity! Needless to say, I survived that conversation, I went back into my room filled with hope and joy, instead of fear and pain! I walked out of the kitchen with more power and endurance to stay on this path God has laid out for me! I left that kitchen with a stronger desire to be more and more obedient! I never thought being obedient could feel sooo good!! IT IS AN OVERWHELMING, AWESOME FEELING!! I sat down and thanked God for being with me, for seeing me through that talk! After my kids went to bed I got down on knees and thanked God!! I thanked Him for making me a person of integrity, for rebuilding me from the ground up, I thanked Him for trying me in the fire! I thanked Him for everything He has done in my life, and for everything He is about to do! I started to think about everything He has done so far, and I was OVERWHELMED! THEN.....I ASKED HIM IF HE WAS PROUD OF ME!! I told God that I was proud of myself, and I thanked Him for giving me the courage to do what I couldn't and WOULDN'T of done on my own! I didn't expect God to use His real voice and say to me "Yeah daughter, you did good tonight, I'm proud of you!" LOL! I don't think our human ears could handle the actual voice of God! I ended my prayer, turned on the Playstation (yes, yes, I am a 34 year old women who is a gamer! lol!! My mother can't stand it!), I opened up Instagram on my phone because I look at it while my game loads......and a few posts down I see a meme that Pastor Keion Henderson put up.....and I kid you not, this is what it said.....get ready.......remember now, I asked God if he was proud of me.....this meme said "IF YOUR LOOKING FOR REASSURANCE TONIGHT, THIS IS IT, YOU'RE GOING TO BE OKAY, BLESSINGS ARE COMING YOUR WAY, GOD IS PROUD OF YOU FOR STAYING STRONG! EVERYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT!!!" I thought I was going to fall out of the chair!! It was UNBELIEVABLE! SUPERNATURAL!! I just looked up to the heavens, I was at a loss for words!! UTTERLY SPEECHLESS! All I could do was thank Him, over and over and over!!! I pray and hope you get the importance of what can happen by being obedient to what God wants us to do! We have to do what He asks without delay! I pray and hope that you get the message that reading Gods word is absolutely vital to this Christian walk, how else are we going to hear our instructions from God! This may be a little thing to some, BUT IT IS HUGE AND REAL TO ME! Allow God to make the changes He needs to make in you, so that He can unlock your blessings from heaven! DON'T DELAY! God is not slack concerning us, and we shouldn't be with Him! I love you to life!! GOD LOVES YOU MORE THAN YOU CAN EVER IMAGINE!! REPENT, SURRENDER ALL TO HIM, AND READ READ READ READ READ READ READ READ THE WORD OF GOD EVERYDAY!!! 
Here is the meme!

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid of terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you!" Deuteronomy 31:6

"What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God before us, who can be against us?" Romans 8:31

"No, in all things we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us!" Romans 8:37

This is the link to the Top Christian Womens Blog site, they have something for everyone, from the lost sinner, to the mature christian. Be  Blessed!

to be continued......
Part 2 later this afternoon!!

Wednesday, October 16, 2019


Sooo......This evening is going to be a big one for me. As you know from earlier posts, I have done wrong in the house that me and my children live in, and I was given until October 1st to move out! God has been working on my character, working on my insides, on that day I thought God was going to swoop down and all at once give me and my children a home, with everything in it! Now, don't get me wrong, He could of done that if He wanted to, but where would the lesson be in that! That day I sat outside, and waited for the lady of the house to come home so that we could talk a little. Now, the person I USED to be, operating in the flesh, would of walked up to the auto repair shop (where my unregistered car is) wrote a bad check to get it out, packed all of me and my kids belongings, and left out of this house with no where to go, out of pride! God was stretching me, He wanted to see if I was TRULY faithful, God wanted to see if I REALLY TRUSTED Him concerning this situation! I was never a person who had the courage to say, I'M WRONG, or to humble myself in ANY WAY AT ALL, but I did, and He has made it so I could stay here with my children! Now, since then, I have been staying out of her way, I haven't talked to her face to face since then, and we live in the same house!! Today, during my time with God, I was watching a video of Joyce Myers preaching about faith! Faith is praying and believing, but she also spoke on RELEASING our faith! She brought up the point that we should ask God for the things we want and need, yes, but in order to operate in true faith, we can't come to the alter with unforgiveness in our hearts! I AGREED, like YES I DON'T HAVE ANY! Right, but then she says, "You have to be a peace maker as well". God is really big on peace, where there is peace there is blessing! I have to make this right with her this evening, that is what God put on my heart today, and it's heavy! Now, the devil will try to put negative thoughts in my head like, her rejecting me, saying mean and nasty things to me, kicking me out anyway, calling me a bad mom, EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN! You see, the devil doesn't want me to take this obedient step today! He knows that it will only strengthen me, and unlock the blessings God has for me and my family....but I am not worried, I am confident, you know why, BECAUSE GOD HAS ALREADY GIVEN ME THE VICTORY IN THIS SITUATION! I already know it's going to work out, I already know this will have a positive outcome, I already know it will work out for my good! This is the time to put my real faith into action! God is stretching me, this is a big moment in my development in Christ! Coming from being a prideful person, who never thought I had to apologize, refusing to do so, just avoiding and running away from situations, never making things right, taking matters into my own hands. To a person of integrity, to a person who has the God given courage to face things head on, to trust that He will give me the words to say, to trust that He has my best interest in mind, to help me become a stronger person! God will be with me, He will protect my heart and mind, He will give me the words to say to her today! It's easy to know you already have the victory, but TAKING THE STEP, making the move, being obedient is the true test! Make the step, and God has the rest handled!!! So I will have a great testimony tomorrow about what happened tonight! I am excited, I asked God to make me a better person, to prepare me for the blessings He has for me, and this is apart of it! He as answering my prayers, God is faithful, I just have to hold up my end! GOD I THANK YOU FOR STRETCHING ME, I THANK YOU FOR TRYING ME IN THE FIRE! I THANK YOU FOR DEVELOPING ME INTO THE PERSON YOU WANT ME TO BE, INTO A PERSON YOU CAN TRUST TO DO YOUR WILL! GOD I THANK YOU FOR THE WILL TO BE OBEDIENT TO YOUR WORD! IN JESUS NAME AMEN! 

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid of terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you!" Deuteronomy 31:6

"What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God before us, who can be against us?" Romans 8:31

"No, in all things we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us!" Romans 8:37

This is the link to the Top Christian Womens Blog site, they have something for everyone, from the lost sinner, to the mature christian. Be  Blessed!

to be continued......

Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Soooo!!......IT'S GONNA BE GOOD ONE TODAY! I want to talk about the BIGGEST LIE the devil will try to deceive us with! The lie I think has caused 99.9% of back sliding cased in the Christian community, INCLUDING MYSELF on SEVERAL OTHER OCCASIONS! The lie.....JUST ONCE, JUST ONE TIME! OHHHH MY GOODNESS! This came up in the first sentence of the devotional I read this morning, the title of the devotional was NO COMPROMISE!! WHEEEW!!! I have allowed myself to be misled with this lie ( in the past) to many times to count! The devil will try to tell you, JUST DO IT ONE TIME, IT WON'T AFFECT YOU! IT'S JUST ONE TIME, YOU CAN GO BACK TOMORROW! Have you ever found yourself in that JUST ONE TIME kind of situation! The devil tempted Jesus with it in the garden, so I KNOW he has tried it with you! He told Jesus he would give Him EVERYTHING in this world, all the riches, dominion of people, ANYTHING! If you would just bow to be JUST ONCE, JUST THIS TIME, it all will be yours! Jesus responded GET THE BEHIND ME SATAN, I AM TO BOW AND SERVE ONLY GOD MY FATHER!! You see, all it takes is for us to give that response, and the devil WILL FLEE!....but if we indulge in the desires of the flesh, if we choose to do whatever it is JUST ONCE it will cause us to lose everything! Can you imagine if Jesus took the devil up on his offer, where would we be then, how would we have access to God saving grace and power. It in the bible "I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father (God) except through me (Jesus)" John 14:6. When I read that, I thought about all the other times I listened to that lie, and what it cost me! I then made the decision verbally, so that the devil can hear, I WILL NOT COMPROMISE EVER AGAIN! Indulging in something I know is sin JUST ONCE is not worth sacrificing all the work God has done on the inside of me, it is not worth risking the relationship I have with God, it is not worth losing favor over, it is not worth disappointing my kids over, it is not worth disappointing God, it is not worth losing the blessing God is about to bestow on my life and the people close to me, it is not worth loosing out on the souls that I could lead to God with the messages He gives me to write! IT'S JUST NOT WORTH IT! JUST ONCE can get you pregnant! JUST ONCE can lead to jail time! JUST ONCE can get your kids taken away from you! JUST ONCE can cause you to lose everything you have! JUST ONCE can make you lose everything you have worked for! JUST ONCE can lead to losing YOUR LIFE!! "SUBMIT YOURSELVES, THEN, TO GOD. RESIST THE DEVIL AND HE WILL FLEE FROM YOU!" JAMES 4:7 The more you resist, the more you call on the name of Jesus when you recognize temptation, THE EASIER IT GETS! The better you will feel! You will feel more and more confident in your walk with the Lord! I PROMISE YOU! I live this EVERYDAY! There is not a day that goes by where the devil doesn't try to tempt me! He knows what time of day, and he knows exactly what to tempt me with!! It has come to the point where I IMMEDIATELY SAY UH UH DEVIL, NOT TODAY BUDDY! I call on the name of Jesus, ask Him to take the feeling and thought out of my head and heart! You know that song lyric that says "NAH NAH NAAAAH NAH, HEY HEY HEY, GOOD BYE!!" I SING THAT TO THE DEVIL EVERYDAY WHEN GOD GIVES ME THE VICTORY OVER WHATEVER HE IS TRYING TO TEMPT ME WITH! Sing this to the devil today "NAH NAH NAAAH NAH!!! NAH NAH NAAAH NAH!! HEY HEY HEY!!! GOODBYE DEVIL!! Don't give in to that JUST ONCE lie, it will set you back so, and do major damage spiritually! Resist the devil and he WILL FLEE! God bless you, I love you to life! GOD LOVES YOU MORE THAN YOU CAN EVER IMAGINE!!

The devil tempting Jesus can be found in Matthew chapter 4:8-11

This is the link to the Top Christian Womens Blog site, they have something for everyone, from the lost sinner, to the mature christian. Be  Blessed!

to be continued.......

Sunday, October 13, 2019


Sooo......I am soooo loving the lesson I've learned this morning, LIKE EVERY MORNING, reading the bible! This morning, the story of the prodigal son hit me! The son who left the father, squandered all of his money, sinned and indulged in every desire of the flesh, and when he was broke, starving, and homeless, decided to run back to his father! Have you ever been like that with God? WELL, I HAVE SEVERAL TIMES! When the son returned, his father ran to him, gave him a fine robe, and rings, and killed the fattest animal, and had a feast and party! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT! After all the damage the son did, after all the sin, after spending all of his money, after all the terrible things he has done, his father still gave him a seat at the table! I realized while I was reading, that is what God has done for me, and what he has done for you, and wants to do for all of us! We just have to make the decision to come back! The love is still there, the blessings are still there, the provisions are there, the grace his there, whatever we need is there at the table, we just have to make the decision to return home to God! The father didn't think at all about what the son has done, what he said, what he stole, who he slept with, what he smoked or drank. The son came home to forgiveness, love, understanding, and celebration! That is what is waiting for us when we decide to follow God. When we RETURN to His table, when we accept His love, and follow the path He has laid out for us! Now, with that being said, there might be people in your life who think that you don't deserve these things, like the brother in this story! He was very angry at his father for giving his SINFUL brother this feast and fine things! He told the father, "I have been here with you, slaving for you, always doing the right thing, and you have never even given me A PIECE of what you are giving him!!" I love what the father said back, because it exemplifies the love of GOD! He said "We are celebrating your brother like this because he CAME BACK!!!" You see, the most important thing is that he RETURNED when he knew he was empty, and couldn't do ANYTHING on his own!!! SOUND FAMILIAR! It does to me, it wasn't until I realized that I cannot do life AT ALL without my Savior, it was at that point when I CAME BACK! That is what God wants us to do, he CELEBRATES us when we do! Don't be like the brother, celebrate those who have messed up but then CAME BACK! That is another soul not damned for hell, that is another soldier for the kingdom of God! That is another soul not bound by the yoke of sin and death! Celebrate them and God will do MORE than celebrate you! God is eternal love, forgiveness, kindness, and security! Come back and He will give you a seat at His table, without throwing your past in your face, without making you feel ashamed and guilty over past sins, NO STRINGS ATTACHED!! God bless you and I love you to LIFE!! GOD LOVES YOU MORE THAN YOU CAN EVER IMAGINE!!!! Return to Him, dust off the seat that you have left, and sit at His table! OH......AND READ READ READ READ READ READ READ READ YOUR BIBLE!!! READ THE WORD OF GOD!!!!! YOU WILL EVENTUALLY LEAVE THAT SEAT IF YOU DON'T!!! PLEASE BELIEVE ME, READ YOUR BIBLE! LOVE YOU!

The story of the prodigal son can be found in Luke 15:11-32

"THE BLESSINGS OF THE LORD MAKETH RICH  AND ADDETH NO SORROW!" (God will restore you, love you and bless you, without pain, making you feel guilty or shame, only love and kindness!) Proverbs 10:22

This is the link to the Top Christian Womens Blog site, they have something for everyone, from the lost sinner, to the mature christian. Be  Blessed!

to be continued.......

Saturday, October 12, 2019


Sooo.....Today's post won't be very long, but it is VERY important! I was thanking God just a few minutes ago for clarity, I was thanking Him for helping me to see things through His lens, and not my own! When the devil threw his attacks at me these past couple of days, they have hit to the very core of me! I had fleeting thoughts of being taken away from my children, little paranoid thoughts about my family trying to turn them against me, paranoid thoughts about my family taking them away then ripping me out of the home, ALL KINDS OF MADNESS! You want to know how I am able to sit here now, with my sanity......THE RENEWING OF THE MIND! I have been consistent in praying and reading the word of God. Not just reading, because I know that is what I'm supposed to do as a Christian, but actually APPLYING IT, AND BEING OBEDIENT! I am not saying all of this to toot my own horn or to BIG UP myself, this is a testimony! I am actually feeling, and seeing the results of applying the word, and being obedient! I am feeling the results of staying consistent, of allowing God to do a COMPLETE WORK inside of me! When the enemy came up against me through others, I was able to stop, pray, and listen to what God told me! It wasn't His voice speaking through the ceiling, but His word in my heart! The word of God is His voice, I was able to see the situation for what it was, an ATTACK! An attack on my mind and my emotions! I don't even want to think what would of happened if I reacted impulsively off of my emotions and the crazy thoughts going through my mind! Instead, I consulted my Savior, I realized that God is providing for my children at a time where I am unable! He is making sure they have everything from a roof over their heads, food in their stomach, tv to watch, video games to play! I am being provided for as well! You see, the devil wanted me to think that my family has some kind of plot against me, the evil devil tried to isolate me AGAIN! The devil tried to make me believe that I had no one but myself, and that I needed to take matters into my own hands! I am SOOOO happy that God has given me the strength to survive! I am OVERWHELMED at the fact that He gave me the clarity to see what was REALLY happening! I am so happy that He has taken out my heart of stone and replaced it with a heart of flesh!! GOD IS SO GOOD!! I LOVE AND THANK YOU GOD FOR EVERYTHING!! I CAN'T EVEN PUT INTO WORDS HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU LORD!!! Everyone.....please......whoever is reading, JESUS IS THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIGHT! TRY HIM, CAST ALL YOU CARES ON HIM!! GOD WILL NEVER LET YOU DOWN!! EVEN WHEN THINGS SEEM TO BE AT IT'S DARKEST, HE IS THE LIGHT! AND READ READ READ READ READ READ READ READ YOUR WORD! AND LET IT RENEW YOUR MIND!!! I love you all to LIFE!! GOD LOVES YOU MORE THAN YOU CAN EVER IMAGINE!!!

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what Gods will is-His good, pleasing and perfect will!"
Romans 12:2

This is the link to the Top Christian Womens Blog site, they have something for everyone, from the lost sinner, to the mature christian. Be  Blessed!

to be continued..........

Friday, October 11, 2019


Sooo.....This morning the topic of encouragement from the Lord (that comes from reading the bible) was endurance, and perseverance! I never thought I would make it as far as I have! I never have in the past. That's because I lacked endurance! Every test and trial we pass, boosts up our endurance, we gain more and more strength, trial by trial! If we shrink during these tough times, if we fold and give in to the flesh, or our will, or the will of the world, instead of doing the will of God, instead of responding in the spirit, the we loose steam! This is something that I have repeatedly done, but not this time around! When I go through an emotional, or mental battle (that's the devils favorite form of attack on me) I respond with the word of God. I make it a point to seek God, to cry out to Him. I beg God to take those thoughts out of my head, I beg Him to heal my hurt feelings, to intercede in whatever it is that I am facing. If we don't invite Him in, we won't get results! The ask, and it shall be given to you! God won't just JUMP IN! We have to be intentional in asking Him, let God know that you cannot get through whatever it is by yourself! Shrinking back to our way, taking things into our own hands, "handling it" ourselves sets us back SOO FAR spiritually! Then we wonder why we can't handle the next issue that arises! That was me for so long, "handling" things myself, and then when MY actions blew the situation up, running to God, begging Him to clean up the mess! That is not walking in obedience, God said to cast ALL your cares on Him, not some, not a piece, ALL! God said vengeance is HIS, not OURS! When we are being tried, we have to respond in the spirit, because after all the bible says "We wrestle not against FLESH AND BLOOD, but against POWERS, against the RULER OF DARKNESS of this world, against SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS in high places!" Ephesians 6:12 Loosely put, we are not fighting anything that is physical, anything that we can see with our eyes, we are fighting the devil and his lies, his deception, his destruction, his manipulations, against his terror! That is something that us mere mortals CANNOT DO ALONE! Find me one person who has gone up against the devil ALONE and won!!! NEVER! So we have to reach out to God in those moments, during those times, and the more you do, the easier it gets to fight. That is what I realize this time around, now when I have thoughts or feelings, I IMMEDIATELY SAY GOD TAKE IT AWAY, GOD PROTECT MY HEART, GOD INTERCEDE IN THIS SITUATION!...because I cannot and will not do it without Him anymore!! I have waved my white flag, I have thrown in the towel and TOTALLY SURRENDERED to Gods will and His way! That is the only way I have made it this far!! Tap into the Savior today, the choice is yours, make the right one! God is the only way you can get through the darkest times in your life, get through the toughest situations, the roughest trials! Remember, if your not taking any steps forward, you are surely slipping backwards! There is only one way or another, and you DEFINITELY not both ways! I'VE TRIED THAT!.......NO BUENO! LOL! For real though, repent of your sins, give it ALL TO GOD, READ THE WORD OF GOD YOU CAN'T GET BY WITHOUT THAT PART, and live the free and happy life God has planned out for you! You know I love ya'll to LIFE! GOD LOVES YOU MORE THAN YOU CAN EVER IMAGINE! 

"So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God you will receive what he has promised."
Hebrews 10:35-36

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with PERSEVERANCE the race marked out for us, FIXING OUR EYES ON JESUS, the pioneer and the perfecter of our faith. For the joy set before Him, He endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God"
Hebrews 12:1-2

This is the link to the Top Christian Womens Blog site, they have something for everyone, from the lost sinner, to the mature christian. Be  Blessed!

to be continued..........

Thursday, October 10, 2019


Sooo....Today, during my morning time with God, He did some reinforcing with me. When your in school, learning, the teacher my REPEATEDLY say things, or have you do different activities, but on the same subject! To all my parents reading, you know how you have to keep giving your children THE SAME COMMANDS, you have to keep telling them the same thing OVER AND OVER, well that is how we learn the things we need to know in the world. It works the same way concerning your spirit man, and what God teaches you! I have learned over this past month, that God will reinforce His lessons. I have read many different devotional readings, that have had the verse of scripture from one to another! the bible is our textbook for this life ! The word of God is our instruction manual, it is our playbook, it is our script, it is our reference, it is the very source of the wisdom and knowledge that God has to give us! That is why it is SOOOO IMPORTANT TO READ YOUR WORD EVER DAY, NOT JUST ONE DAY A WEEK, NOT JUST SOMETIMES, EVERY DAY EVERY DAY!!! How else are we going to learn what God is trying to teach us! If we went out on the football field without first learning the playbook, THE TEAM WILL SURELY LOSE! If we were an actor, and we jumped into the scene without first reading and learning the script, WE WOULD LOOK STUPID, AND WOULD BE KICKED OUT, WE WOULDN'T BE PREPARED FOR PRODUCTION! How many times have we bought something big, and chose to skip the instructions, and failed 2,3,4 times to build it, always forgetting a screw, or something major! How would we get a drivers license without first studying the drivers manual! We should treat our spirit led walk the same way! We cannot say the right things without our bible script, we cannot build up our faith with our instruction manual, we cannot wage spiritual war on  the devil without our battle plans! We cannot handle or navigate life on this planet without Gods instructions! ALL OF THIS COMES FROM IN THE BIBLE! I know deep in my heart that I need this word, these instructions every day of my life! It's my survivors manual! I can never get the point where I think I can just SKIP a morning, or a couple of days! I can't ever think that I have arrived to perfection, or some kind of master level of being a Christian, only God is perfect! God is the only one on that MASTER LEVEL! We are just striving, fighting, pushing forward! I have to remember that if I'm not pushing forward, than I'm slipping backward! God is the way, the truth, and the light, I am just a humble servant, and vessel for Him to use to help other in this fight! I pray and hope that all who are reading make the decision to take time and read your word, spend time with God, it will not be in vain, you will not come up void, but FILLED! Just like we need food for our mortal bodies to function, our spirit needs the word of God! Don't let your spirit get HANGRY! Don't let it get malnourished, don't let it die of starvation! I love you all to life, GOD LOVES YOU MORE THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE!!!!

"Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended (to have arrived at perfection): but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before. (Forgetting the past, moving on, keeping our eyes on the future that God has for us!) I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."(Continue to move forward, keep pushing, keep reading your word, stay on the path God has laid out for you!) Philippians 3:13-14

"Many are the plans in a persons heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that will prevail" Proverbs 19:21

This is the link to the Top Christian Womens Blog site, they have something for everyone, from the lost sinner, to the mature christian. Be  Blessed!

to be continued......