Soo....yesterday, while watching a video by Christine Caine, I heard her say that the book of Psalms is a great book to read when your going through a tough time, it is a good book to read when you are under attack. SHE IS RIGHT! On Tuesday, before I got that gut wrenching call, Kellie Agueze was teaching out of the book of Psalms (Psalms 119 to be exact!). They were both ON POINT! I started to read the book of Psalms from the beginning this morning during my morning meditation, and got up to chapter 20! All throughout described VICTORY in the midst of a storm, VICTORY over sickness and pain......but CHAPTER 119 is what I read Tuesday after that call, and it is FULL encouraging verses! God assures us that we have the VICTORY, no matter what or who comes against you! God is our fortress and our refuge! He will make us stronger than we can ever thought we could be!! There are a few verses in Psalms 18 that describe how the Lord equips us for battle! Not a PHYSICAL battle, but spiritual. David describes with physical terms what God has equipped our spirits with! Verses 34-36 say "He teacheth my hands to war, so that the bow of steel is broken by my arms. Thou has given me a shield of Thy salvation; and Thy right hand hath holden me up, and thy gentleness hath made me great!" So you see, God will make your spirit is not broken, He will reinforce you, give you strength, HOLD YOU UP, and set your feet on the right path! God meant it when He said, "NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST YOU WILL PROSPER!"...but you will be tried! No, God doesn't want us to suffer, or be hurt, but the bible says "Consider it all joy my brethren, WHEN you go through a trial knowing the testing of your faith produces endurance!" James 1:2-3, "But He knows the way to take; WHEN he has tried ME, I shall come forth as pure gold!" Job 23:16, "Blessed is a man who PERSEVERES under trial, for once he has been approved, he WILL receive the crown of life which the Lord has PROMISED to those who love Him!" James 1:12. In the first three verses the word when is emphasized, that's to show that we WILL go through something in life ONE WAY OR ANOTHER, IT IS INEVITABLE! But the last verse describes what happens when we endure, when we don't allow the attack to take us out like it was intended to do! If we stand firm on Gods word, put our faith into real action, and have hope and believe in the PROMISES God has made to us, we shall receive the crown of life! Now that doesn't mean we will be made king or queen of the world, or even have all the riches, it means that God will fulfill His promises. He will restore us, heal us, avenge us, whatever the trial is, whatever you are going through, if you seek God daily, trust and believe in what He says, FORGIVE AND SHOW MERCY (I know that can be a hard one, but God will give you the strength to do so), HE WILL REWARD, RESTORE, AND MAKE US SHINE IN THE END, OUR VICTORY IS GUARANTEED! There is NOTHING your enemies can do about it, there is nothing sickness can do about it, whatever or whoever it is that is bringing on the attack WILL LOSE! "GOD IS NOT A MAN THAT HE SHOULD LIE, NOR A SON OF MAN THAT HE SHOULD CHANGE HIS MIND. HAS HE EVER SPOKEN AND FAILED TO ACT? HAS HE EVER PROMISED AND NOT CARRIED IT THROUGH?" NUMBERS 23:19. That sums it up right there, God is NOT A MAN so he does't lie, so trust what he says WITH ALL YOUR HEART. God is not a man so HE DOESN'T CHANGE HIS MIND, meaning He will not go back on His promises! HAS HE EVER SPOKEN AND FAILED TO ACT?, has He ever been there for you, has He in the past rescued you, even when we were in sin, hasn't He ALWAYS kept His word before!? HAS HE EVER PROMISED AND NOT CARRIED IT THROUGH?, has there ever been a time when you recognize that God has fulfilled a promise to you, have you EVER experienced what you thought was a MIRACLE!? Have you ever said out loud "I DON'T KNOW HOW I GOT OUT OF THIS, or, I DON'T KNOW HOW THIS HAPPENED, or, I DON'T KNOW WHERE THIS CAME FROM!" These are our testimonies on how God has showed up in the past, EVEN WHEN WE WERE SINNERS AND NOT SEEKING HIM! So, if God kept me, saved me, restored me, even in my filth, I KNOW HE WILL DO, AND MORE ABUNDANTLY this time!! It will be SWEETER and MORE SATISFYING this time, and GOD WILL GET THE GLORY AND PRAISE!!......not me.....we have to be mindful and not allow PRIDE to rise up in us, we are not to be COCKY and HAUGHTY! ....and God doesn't want us to RUB IT IN when we have WON!! It will be an opportunity for HIS light to shine, and a testimony that will help OTHERS! So, be strong in the midst of your storm and trials, do not lean on your own understanding, reach out to God, pour our your heart before Him, LET HIM FIGHT YOUR BATTLE, and He will direct you, and REWARD YOU in the end!! I love you to LIFE! GOD LOVES YOU MORE THAN YOU CAN EVER IMAGINE!!
I usually end with bible verses, but I have a few in this reading, but if you are really going through AT THIS TIME, please read PSALMS 119!! YOU WILL BE TOUGHER WHEN YOUR DONE!! REMEMBER DON'T GIVE UP, DO NOT THROW IN THE TOWEL, LEAN ON GOD, HAVE PATIENCE UNTIL THE END!!!!
This is the link to the Top Christian Womens Blog site, they have something for everyone, from the lost sinner, to the mature christian. Be Blessed!
to be continued......
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