Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Soooo!!......IT'S GONNA BE GOOD ONE TODAY! I want to talk about the BIGGEST LIE the devil will try to deceive us with! The lie I think has caused 99.9% of back sliding cased in the Christian community, INCLUDING MYSELF on SEVERAL OTHER OCCASIONS! The lie.....JUST ONCE, JUST ONE TIME! OHHHH MY GOODNESS! This came up in the first sentence of the devotional I read this morning, the title of the devotional was NO COMPROMISE!! WHEEEW!!! I have allowed myself to be misled with this lie ( in the past) to many times to count! The devil will try to tell you, JUST DO IT ONE TIME, IT WON'T AFFECT YOU! IT'S JUST ONE TIME, YOU CAN GO BACK TOMORROW! Have you ever found yourself in that JUST ONE TIME kind of situation! The devil tempted Jesus with it in the garden, so I KNOW he has tried it with you! He told Jesus he would give Him EVERYTHING in this world, all the riches, dominion of people, ANYTHING! If you would just bow to be JUST ONCE, JUST THIS TIME, it all will be yours! Jesus responded GET THE BEHIND ME SATAN, I AM TO BOW AND SERVE ONLY GOD MY FATHER!! You see, all it takes is for us to give that response, and the devil WILL FLEE!....but if we indulge in the desires of the flesh, if we choose to do whatever it is JUST ONCE it will cause us to lose everything! Can you imagine if Jesus took the devil up on his offer, where would we be then, how would we have access to God saving grace and power. It in the bible "I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father (God) except through me (Jesus)" John 14:6. When I read that, I thought about all the other times I listened to that lie, and what it cost me! I then made the decision verbally, so that the devil can hear, I WILL NOT COMPROMISE EVER AGAIN! Indulging in something I know is sin JUST ONCE is not worth sacrificing all the work God has done on the inside of me, it is not worth risking the relationship I have with God, it is not worth losing favor over, it is not worth disappointing my kids over, it is not worth disappointing God, it is not worth losing the blessing God is about to bestow on my life and the people close to me, it is not worth loosing out on the souls that I could lead to God with the messages He gives me to write! IT'S JUST NOT WORTH IT! JUST ONCE can get you pregnant! JUST ONCE can lead to jail time! JUST ONCE can get your kids taken away from you! JUST ONCE can cause you to lose everything you have! JUST ONCE can make you lose everything you have worked for! JUST ONCE can lead to losing YOUR LIFE!! "SUBMIT YOURSELVES, THEN, TO GOD. RESIST THE DEVIL AND HE WILL FLEE FROM YOU!" JAMES 4:7 The more you resist, the more you call on the name of Jesus when you recognize temptation, THE EASIER IT GETS! The better you will feel! You will feel more and more confident in your walk with the Lord! I PROMISE YOU! I live this EVERYDAY! There is not a day that goes by where the devil doesn't try to tempt me! He knows what time of day, and he knows exactly what to tempt me with!! It has come to the point where I IMMEDIATELY SAY UH UH DEVIL, NOT TODAY BUDDY! I call on the name of Jesus, ask Him to take the feeling and thought out of my head and heart! You know that song lyric that says "NAH NAH NAAAAH NAH, HEY HEY HEY, GOOD BYE!!" I SING THAT TO THE DEVIL EVERYDAY WHEN GOD GIVES ME THE VICTORY OVER WHATEVER HE IS TRYING TO TEMPT ME WITH! Sing this to the devil today "NAH NAH NAAAH NAH!!! NAH NAH NAAAH NAH!! HEY HEY HEY!!! GOODBYE DEVIL!! Don't give in to that JUST ONCE lie, it will set you back so, and do major damage spiritually! Resist the devil and he WILL FLEE! God bless you, I love you to life! GOD LOVES YOU MORE THAN YOU CAN EVER IMAGINE!!

The devil tempting Jesus can be found in Matthew chapter 4:8-11

This is the link to the Top Christian Womens Blog site, they have something for everyone, from the lost sinner, to the mature christian. Be  Blessed! https://blog.feedspot.com/christian_women_blogs/

to be continued.......

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