friend sent me a video of Tye Tribbett preaching, get this, AT A CHURCH THAT IS LITERALLY THE NEXT TOWN OVER! Now I have seen this particular video before I recommitted my life back to God, but I saw it through different eyes! Remember I've said before that everything God does is on PURPOSE, never COINCIDENTAL! ANYWAY, Tye made a great point when he was telling the story about Ruth and Naomi, we all know from Sunday school as a kid that Ruth said to Naomi, I will go where you go, so on and so forth! As a believer and adult Tye had this other perspective about this story! He said that before Naomi left, Ruth's sister KISSED Naomi and went on her way, where as Ruth CLEAVED to Naomi!!! Now Ruth had to drop EVERYTHING in her hand to cleave onto Naomi the way she did, and her sister holding on to EVERYTHING had the ability to just kiss her on the cheek! Tye said, some of us HOLD ON TO OUR CRAP and just KISS GOD! While others DROP EVERYTHING AND CLEAVE ONTO HIM! WITH THE DESIRE TO NOT LIVE WITHOUT HIM! I COULD HAVE RAN ALL AROUND THIS HOUSE!! I wanted to scream but it was like 6 a.m.!!! I WAS RUTH'S SISTER!...and that caused me to be the DOUBLE MINDED person I used to be! I was wondering when I would get to this point, since the blog is named THE DANGERS OF A DOUBLE MINDED PERSON, but I guess it was in Gods plan to work on me first and guide me to this point, on post number 38! Every time I would call myself "getting back right with God" I would continue to hold on to A LOT of crap, while just kissing Him! I didn't drop EVERYTHING and humbly follow Him! I may have dropped smoking, drinking, cocaine, and swearing, but I HELD ON TO character flaws like, LYING, PRIDE, ARROGANCE, SELFISHNESS, HAUGHTINESS, BIG PIGHEADEDNESS!..and by holding on to things like that, my strengths also became my weakness, I was OVER CONFIDENT, I TALKED TO MUCH BUT REALLY NOT SAYING ANYTHING! I was like this on this inside, but trying to live for Christ on the outside! I was reading the bible, but not applying it! You see, all of the things I kept on the inside prevented me from being OBEDIENT, it put a barrier between the work God wanted to do INSIDE of me! I was trying to be SAVED and OLD KRISTINA at the same time! What I didn't know then was that you have to be changed on the inside, all that old mess and CHARACTER FLAWS that plague the spirit has to be cleaned, I have to allow God to do a COMPLETE WORK in my life! I cannot PICK AND CHOOSE what to give God, then expect Him to come ALL THE WAY THROUGH for me! God does things in completion, so we have to GIVE HIM OUR ALL! Give Him all of our sins, all of our mistakes, all of our cares and worries, ALL OF OUR OBEDIENCE! From the outside, being committed to God may look like it's nothing but RULES RULES RULES, you can't do this, and you can't do that!!....but once you make that choice, and give God your YES, and start to follow His leadership, you will realize that you don't want to live without these rules, YOU CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT THEM, AND YOU WON'T WANT TO!! God will totally and completely change you mindset!! I pray that everyone who reads this, allow God to do a COMPLETE work in your life, CLEAVE TO THE SAVIOR! YOU ARE NOT YOUR SITUATION, YOU ARE NOT YOUR SINS, YOU ARE NOT YOUR MISTAKES!!! DROP EVERYTHING YOU ARE HOLDING ON TO AND CLEAVE TO GOD!! ....and don't let him go!!!! I love you to life, AND GOD LOVES YOU MORE THAN YOU CAN EVER IMAGINE!!
The story of Ruth and Naomi can be found in the book of Ruth!
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and DO NOT LEAN ON YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths!"
Proverbs 3:5-6
"The righteous cry out, and He delivers them from ALL their TROUBLES. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit!"
Psalms 34:17-18
This is the link to the Top Christian Womens Blog site, they have something for everyone, from the lost sinner, to the mature christian. Be Blessed!
to be continued.......
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