Thursday, November 7, 2019


Soooo.....Today I stared the book of Genesis, I have been watched a few sermons on this book and wanted to have a deeper understanding of it. More than just the creation, and Caine and Abel, more than just the Sunday school stories I learned as a child. As I was reading the part before Caine killed Abel, it described the different SACRIFICES that both men brought before God. Abel gave God his choice lamb, the fattest one, the best quality. It says that Caine just brought God the fruit of the land he farmed. Now the bible said that God respected the offering Abel brought Him, BUT NOT CAINES, and this made Caine mad, I think it definitely his feelings A lOT! I immediately asked God, WHY DIDN'T YOU LIKE WHAT CAINE BROUGHT YOU, that is why he was angry and jealous, YOU HURT HIS FEELINGS, just as I asked Him that, I spoke the truth, which is the word of God. What I know is that God will never do anything to cause us pain, or hurt us intentionally like that! God would never choose to like someone else over us, His love is equally given to all, all at the same time, God DOES NOT HAVE FAVORITES! So I said, maybe I should just keep reading and find the answer! I have a study bible, and at the bottom of each page it explains what certain verses mean, and that is where God gave me the answer! Abel brought God his BEST, he brought God what would COST HIM THE MOST, he brought God what was the most valuable! It says that Caine just brought God the fruit of his harvest, it doesn't say that Caine brought God the FINEST FRUIT from the tree, or the GREENEST HERB from the garden!.....and there in lies the difference, God respected what Abel brought because Abel brought Him his BEST! Caine kept the best for himself, and gave God whatever was left over, he gave God the fruit that had fallen to the ground, instead of what was fresh off the trees, he gave God those herbs that had already begun to be eaten by bugs (the ones with the little holes in them) instead of the fresh green leaves! That is what God wants from us, OUR BEST! He wants us to give Him the best quality of ourselves, not what we want to give Him, not halfway, not slack, but THE BEST! That is what God will honor, and that is what He will bless! God will not bless if we are only giving Him a little of ourselves, if we are doing good one day, then doing what we want all the other days! God expects the best that we can give Him, NOT PERFECT because He his the only one who is perfect, BUT THE BEST POSSIBLE! God loves us no matter what, but He cannot move in our lives if we are holding back, if we are just giving Him what WE think He deserves, and keeping for ourselves the desires of the flesh, what we want to hold on to, what we want to say, how we want to live, but run to Him when we find ourselves in trouble! If you are sincere, and repent, and totally surrender (that's quality), then He will respond with salvation. If we continue to live in sin, doing what we want, and running to God when trouble comes (slack, not the best quality of ourselves) God will not honor or respect that! Then we feel ANGRY WITH GOD like Caine did, we start to feel like God doesn't hear us! So we have to give God our best, because HE GIVES US HIS BEST AT ALL TIMES!! Lets LOVE one another, help one another, honor God by following his commandments, lets seek His face and pray daily, allow Him to lead and guide you (quality)! Lets not hold anything back, lets not give Him a little, and KEEP FOR OURSELVES (what Caine did)! Lets honor God with our best, so that He can give us HIS BEST! I love you to LIFE!! GOD LOVES YOU MORE THAN YOU CAN EVER IMAGINE! 

"And  in process of time it came to pass, that Caine brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the Lord. And Abel, he brought also the FIRST-LINGS OF HIS FLOCK AND OF THE FAT THEREOF. And the Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering. But unto Caine and to his offering He had NOT respect. And Caine was very wroth (ANGRY) and his countenance fell (he was sad and it showed in his face and body language, visible expression of hurt feelings)" Genesis 4:3-5 GIVE GOD YOUR BEST!

This is the link to the Top Christian Womens Blog site, they have something for everyone, from the lost sinner, to the mature christian. Be  Blessed!

to be continued...........

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